five : sit down

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"Excuse me," a few students gathered around another, "Um, who are you?"

In the middle of them was a white-haired boy looking like he was bored out of his mind. He was cracking his knuckles with only one hand, his other arm propped on his chair, and his legs stretched out.

He was here yesterday, but today was different. He wasn't wearing another school's uniform anymore, having transferred to this one earlier than expected. It was a good thing his parents could prepare everything on time in just a span of a few hours. But then again, they could've bought the entire school itself if he asked for it. They would do anything for their precious son, after all.

The boy looked up and met the eyes of the person that asked the question, who flinched at the boy's gaze. "What's it to you?" He answered blankly.

The whispers grew, pissing him off more than he already was because of yesterday's events. He was the focus of the whole room's conversations. Some(or more accurately, the girls) were complimenting his attractiveness, happy that they finally had a crushable classmate- to which the boys rolled their eyes to. Some were wanted to befriend the new student, hoping to boost their social status in return, and some downright hated him the moment they set their eyes on him- a few of them spreading scary rumors about him, but those didn't bother him. He knew those were true. He wanted them to be scared.

But as much as the whole room's gossip ranged from crushing on the boy to wanting to crush his skull, they all had one thing in common. No one knew who he was. Usually when a new kid transfers, he or she would have to introduce himself in front of the class, but the boy, being the lazy brat that he is, didn't see the point of that. Mr. Matsuhi also didn't see the point of going against him.

"Answer nicely while we're still nice. Unless you want to say goodbye to that cute face of yours," Another guy snarked, making he and his friends laugh.

Mon rolled his eyes, "At least I have a cute face." The class went 'ooh' to what he said, making him smirk slightly.

The guy huffed, "Alright smart-mouth, let's see how you'll feel with no mouth." He and his friends circled around Mon's chair, cracking their knuckles.

The boy didn't react to them, instead he twisted his ring in boredom.

"Trying not to be scared, eh?" The guy smirked.

"No, I'm actually looking for a f*** to give," Mon replied as he shifted in his seat.

The guy snorted, "Is that supposed to be funn-"

"Found it," Mon kicked the guy in front of him, making that guy crash into another person's desk. "Oof, I didn't know I was that strong," he grinned wickedly, "Or maybe you're just that weak."

Not wanting to create a bigger mess, he glared at the other guys surrounding him, "I'd leave now if I were you."


/name/ sighed, banging her head on her desk softly.

"Lol weirdo," a girl snarked as she passed by.

The entire class had their eyes on /name/, the star of their latest gossip. A few were proud of her for standing up to her bullies, but most of them were irritated. They didn't like the fact that one girl stood up to five of the most reputable among them, and didn't get punished for obstructing the social pecking order which they cared for so dearly. They were scared that /name/'s actions could cause a domino effect and somehow affect their social standings, like the people of the capital fearing a rebellion. Fear turned into anger, and /name/ was in the middle of it all.

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