Part 1: Club Day

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I smiled as I walked down the hallway with my mother, I got to start school today! I couldn't wait to learn everything and make new friends

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I smiled as I walked down the hallway with my mother, I got to start school today! I couldn't wait to learn everything and make new friends. Mommy said that school would be full of other kids like me! Kids with superpowers and kids that wouldn't be afraid of me.

Not that I cared that the kids at home were scared of me. Scardy cats. After class, I was going to tell them all about my new friends and they wouldn't bully me again. Maybe I'd learn how to not be so scary at school and then I'd have friends at home and at school!

"What's this, mommy?" I asked. Mommy must know where my first class is, or she wouldn't have walked me upstairs. Other kids were crying and I promised myself that I wouldn't be mean to them. The first day of school could be scary. I was scared of leaving mommy for the whole day too.

"This is your dorm room, sweetie," Mommy said. She opened the door and inside there was a bunk bed, a normal bed, a couch, and three closets. No one else was in there yet.

"Wow!" I said, running to jump on the bed. "The classes are so small."

"No, honey," Mommy said. I stopped jumping because she started crying. She sat down on the couch and put her face in her hands.

I wasn't a scardy cat but I got really worried whenever I saw mommy crying. "What's wrong?"

"Alenia, come over here," she said. I walked over to the couch and sat down, a bad feeling in my tummy. I looked up at her and put on my brave face. I was going to take down whoever was making mommy cry!

"Who did this? What's wrong?" I asked, ready to charge after the challenge. Just because I was going to school didn't mean I wasn't going to protect my mommy.

"Alenia, you know that you're a dragon and I'm human?" Mommy asked and I nodded. Daddy had been a dragon, but we didn't talk about daddy. Mommy never said it but I was pretty sure he was a bully. "Well dragon kids, and other magical kids, go to boarding school. You're going to live here until you graduate."

"What?" I asked, my voice squeaking. A full year away from mommy!? "But that's a year-"

"No- 'Lenia," She said. Tears were falling from her eyes now. "After all of school, after your graduate college."

"But that's..." I pulled out my hand and counted. One, two, three-

"-It's 18 years, Alenia," Mommy said. "But I can visit you and you can call me every day."

"I don't want to!" I protested. 18 years?! That was forever! "Mommy- just homeschool me like Helen's mommy does."

"Helen is a human, Alenia," Mommy said. "She doesn't have to go to boarding school."

"Well why do I have to go away but Helen can stay?" I pouted. "It's not fair."

Mommy pulled me into her arms and I noticed I had been crying. "Because they don't think humans can be dangerous."

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