Part 5: Bomb

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I walked out of the makeshift hospital and right past the dead body of my sister

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I walked out of the makeshift hospital and right past the dead body of my sister. Christine was next to her, still sobbing openly, and I wanted more than anything to be with her. Jamie's father had been an ass, did he have any idea what everyone was going through right now? How high the stakes were to every second of our time? He was so angry with the blood I had in my viens that he couldn't see that I was being demanding and leading so that Christine could cry and Hank could heal and no one else would have to die. It pissed me off.

"Alenia," Wes ran up to me, carrying my laptop all but shut. "Wes gave me your laptop so we could call people's parents but Sam-" there was a pause, because Wes obviously recognized how alike we looked and questioned how I knew him. "-Called for you. He said it is urgent."

I ignored Theo behind me, not caring that he had left me to stand by Jamie, who was waiting for Wes to be done with me. Wasn't I popular.

"Oh, okay, let me see," I said, not sure what Sam could be calling about. Was he here already? It felt like only moments had passed since I'd last spoken to him, also years.

"Alenia," Immediately the connection I had felt to him before became clear. He looked just like me. Wes had turned around the laptop and was serving as a make shift desk for the moment. "We're nearly there, but there are a few jets heading to the school."

"Are they trying to shoot you down?" I asked with a worried frown. I had asked for their help, I didn't want them to die doing it.

Sam shook his head, "No, they can't detect us. I think they're going to bomb the school."

"Shit," I cursed. What was I going to do against a bomb? Would they really kill even the youngest of children in order to keep their so called peace?

"You said you can make a force field, right?" Sam asked quickly.

"Yes," I said. "But I've never had a bomb attack it Sam, I can't-"

"We've already got Hank's runes protecting the school." I hadn't noticed Jamie walk to my side, her father begrudgingly following. "You'd only be providing an extra layer."

I frowned but nodded, not knowing another option. "Okay, I'll-" But where could I go to do this?

"You're already wounded and tired," Sam didn't ask, he just knew. "Go to the roof and wait until you see the bomb drop, pull up the force-field at last minute. Have someone with you though, I'm not sure what will happen when it hits. I've never..." He trailed off and I could see the pain in his eyes, he didn't want his daughter doing this. The paternal love was unexpected and warmed me, calmed me down enough to focus on reality.

"How long until you get here?" I asked, taking a deep breath and mentally preparing myself to run up four flights of stairs. Wait- no, it was five. Lucky me.

"A couple of minutes but Alenia, you need to go, now," He said. "I don't know when they're going to hit you."

I nodded, "Jamie will coordinate with Hank to get a few people to clear the way to you. As soon as you land call Wes back and we'll start moving kids to you."

Jamie frowned, "I will be with you-"

"-No, Katie will," I said, catching her attention from where she sat in the corner with a tired and sick Hank. She was the only other person I knew with a harold father.

"Katie betrayed-"

"-I don't have time for this!" I snapped. Instantly I felt guilty, Jamie just wanted to help, but what else could I do? I was stressed. A bomb was about to hit us! "Jamie, work with Hank to figure out a plan to get everyone to the airport. Lore members have been helping but work with parents first. The younger the kid, the sooner they need to get to the airplane." I spoke fast and turned my attention to Wes without further adue. "Wes, Michael is in the front office with Dr. Marshall. Work with him." Wes nodded and ran off, Jamie doing the same with her father. Both of them had frustrated looks on their faces, for different reasons.

I walked over to Katie then, who had probably heard her name called. "I need you to come with me, now."

Katie nodded and stood up, not thinking twice when I ran away and instead following me up the stairs. It said something about her strength that she almost, but not quite, kept up with my pace. I made it to the roof right before her and didn't take a moment to calm my beating heart. Instead I looked in the sky for a jet, almost wishing that Sam had been wrong. He hadn't, I could see one above. From a distance it was hard to see, and if I hadn't been a dragon I couldn't have, but a speck began to fall towards us.

"BOMB!" I yelled and called forth a barrier to cover the whole school and the air strip where Sam would land. "If you can help- now's the time!"

I had no idea if Katie did anything, my heart was beating too fast and I couldn't register anything except that she and I might die in moments if my force field didn't hold. That everyone I knew and loved, save for my mother, would be nothing but ash.

All too quickly the bomb hit my shield and exploded. The ground shook from the impact and I groaned, feeling as if a part of me was shattering from the pressure. My bones and muscles stressed as if a million pounds were bearing on me and my eyes opened wide. This isn't going to work!

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