Part 5: Trust

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I wanted to take a moment to register the grief and loss, to cry about how unfair it was that Margie had died when she was one of the best people I'd ever known

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I wanted to take a moment to register the grief and loss, to cry about how unfair it was that Margie had died when she was one of the best people I'd ever known. Instead I turned away and did my best to lock out the attack of emotions from all of the others suffering. Alenia deserved this moment more than I and one of us, at least, still needed to focus on the task at hand. 

Once inside there had been a few teachers but Margie and a few others had dealt with them, shoving them out of the walls of the school or killing them, which meant that if Hank's runes worked we were safe.

"You okay?" I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder and not liking how pale and dizzy he clearly was. "How much bloo-" I flinched at the sound of bullets hitting the school. They seemed to flatted against a simmering barrier, "Fuck that's a good barrier."

Hank smiled a little and struggled to stand up. "I'm- 'm fine." He said, but I wasn't sure. 

"Hank, you're really pale," I hadn't even noticed Katie beside me and jumped, glaring at her. She avoided my gaze, guilty. More than that she was terrified, much of which I assumed was attributed to Hank's less than positive health at the moment. "Why don't you sit down?"

Hank nodded and did that, sitting on the ground with his back to the wall. He needed a doctor, and fast. We all did, the haphazard tourniquet that I had done with a towel wasn't doing well enough.

"Do you kids need help?" A woman spoke from behind me and I jumped, why couldn't I sense any emotion from her? She had dark hair and a friendly face, in contrast to a terrifying looking dragon and Jamie. "I'm Dr. Marshall, Jamie's mother."

"You're a doctor?" Hank asked, the only one of us three who seemed to be able to work their mouths. Beside me it was clear that Katie was terrified, how did this woman not register at all?

"Yes, and though I can't do much for you without proper equipment I can try." She said, "You're running low on blood but your wounds healed, right?" Hank nodded weakly, "Then we need to get you water, fruit, and maybe some bread and juice. You also need to rest, let someone else fight until you're healed."

"I'll get it," Katie said, eager to leave. When she ran off Dr. Marshall focused on me. The attention was uncomfortable, why couldn't I sense what she was feeling?

"You were shot in the leg," She said simply. For a moment I wondered if she'd shot me, and then I remembered that it wasn't her. I was just being paranoid because I couldn't sense her emotions. "Stop standing on it, I can't decide if you're brave or stupid." She shook her head and tut tutted as if lecturing a child. I didn't move to sit down on any of the lounges, where I could elevate my leg. "I need to see if the bullet is still in there, get it out if it is, and probably cauterize the wound. I would stitch it but I don't want to waste time looking for and sanitizing tools. Theo can do that, right hon?" She looked at her husband and then back at me. "What is it? Do you not want to take your pants off here?"

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