Part 2: Clash

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Wings?! What?!! Dragons actually have fucking wings?!? It was at that revelation that I put my book down (okay, I threw it across the room and set the couch on fire) and hopped out of the couch

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Wings?! What?!! Dragons actually have fucking wings?!? It was at that revelation that I put my book down (okay, I threw it across the room and set the couch on fire) and hopped out of the couch. I blushed a bright red when I realized how awkward it would have been to have read that when Margie and Christine were around.

Dragons actually had wings. The marks on my shoulders weren't decorations, but runes that my wings hid within. Without thinking about it I ripped off my shirt and bra, walking to the full-length mirror on the wall. Knowing that the black marking on my skin wasn't a marking at all- but runes! Wings! I watched them with a newfound appreciation, moving my shoulders and watching them. They were dormant for now and would stay that way until I reached physical maturity, and I was comfortable with that (though concerned that I hadn't reached 'physical maturity' by 18 years). Just knowing that they were real wings, that one day I could fly was thrilling enough. I did a silent thank you to my uncontrollable flame and my reputation as domestic. I let out a laugh when I thought about it- where they just going to explode out of me randomly? There was a less funny part about it too though, because for some reason, now that I knew they were real, I felt all the more protective and private about my wings. I couldn't believe I'd let any of the guys I'd dated see them.

I shook my head to pull from those thoughts, turning my back to the mirror and looking over my shoulder. The marks had always been something I thought were alright, but knowing what they were... I suddenly felt pride, and I could see beauty in them. Underneath swirling black lay muscle and power. I ran my fingers over the marks, stretching to reach them, and though they were no different than they'd been the day before I could feel them hum.

In front of me, but behind as my head was turned to look at my back in the mirror, I heard the door click open.

" here, she's been reading up on dragons ever since the prophecy," Margie said. "I've told her to re- oh my god!" Margie looked at me with shock, grinning. In front of Margie, face unreadable, Michael stood. "Did you know he was coming? I can leave you to it."

"Margie!" I screeched, not sure if I should cover my chest or wings. I settled for leaving my back faced away from them and covering my chest, making my way to find something to cover with. My face was red and as my body warmed up the desire to sink through the floor became a much more reasonable possibility. I tried grabbing a blanket, but it burned when I touched it so I dropped it. My only hope was in non-flammable clothing- clothing in a closet behind Michael. "Michael! Close your eyes!"

I thought I saw him roll his eyes, but he turned away regardless. I rushed to the closet and grabbed one of the few non-flammable shirts I owned. Since they were more expensive and I didn't have as many I usually didn't wear them when I was hanging around our dorm. Simply put, my roommates didn't usually barge in with the man who was prophesied to knock me up.

After dressing I took a moment to get a deep breath, calming myself down before joining Michael and Margie. Of all of the times for her to walk in...

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