Part 4: Shockwave

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"Hey, Mike, can I talk to you for a sec?" Katie asked, obviously nervous

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"Hey, Mike, can I talk to you for a sec?" Katie asked, obviously nervous. She had been like this for the last week, a complete emotional wreck. Even more so than Alenia, who had gotten in a huge argument with her mother when she'd told her she shouldn't come to family visitation. It had all the hairs on my body standing up, something was very wrong, but despite the fact that I had known Katie as long as I could remember I couldn't figure it out. 

"Sure," I said. She pulled me into her office and closed the door. She was all but shaking and my gut began to twist. Something was wrong, very, very wrong. "Katie, are you okay?"

"What? Yeah, totally, uhm," She said. She paced as she spoke, "I just- I can't stop worrying about you and Alenia's plan."

"It's our best bet," I said, crossing my arms. "And you don't know the whole thing, which is scary, but you have to trust us. Trust me, you've known me a long time."

Katie nodded, no doubt remembering when she'd first met me when I was nothing more than a toddler. "I just- they're not going to let you walk out. The director, everyone, they're going to stop you."

"Of course," I said. "But we're strong and we're fighting for something."

"What are you going to do if they win? They'll capture you and Alenia both, for being the ones to start everything." Katie said, biting her lip. "I don't know what they'll do, but-"

"They won't capture us," I interrupted her. Before she could question it I explained, "We're going to win or die trying."

"But- but what if-" Katie struggled. "What if you have to kill?"

This was why she was so conflicted, it made sense when I thought about it. Murder, even now, was just that. It was a subject that Alenia and I hadn't even talked about yet. It was scary, and taking life wasn't something to do lightly. And yet... I answered her question with unwavering certainty because at the end of the day I meant it. No matter what it did to us, no matter how hard it was or how destroyed we were the day after. "Then we will."

Katie's panic level spiked so I turned and left. I couldn't blame her, but I wasn't going to have a discussion about it. We were starting a war, not some childish protest or rebellion. Blood was going to fall. Theirs and ours, by the hands of our oppressors and by our own. We would do what we had to so that no one else did. 

Author's Note Hello all! I hope you're enjoying this story, it is part of a series I have been writing in a world I've had a lot of fun putting together

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Author's Note Hello all! I hope you're enjoying this story, it is part of a series I have been writing in a world I've had a lot of fun putting together. I am working full time again and have decided that instead of making my posting less frequent I will be making my postings shorter. I hope you all enjoy! 

As A Side Note My story "Binding Before War" is a prequel to this one, it follows the 'chase' of Alenia's biological parents. It's not needed for the story but you do meet Alenia's namesake and learn more about the Jones family.

Thank you all so much for taking the time to read my writing!

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