Part 36

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The girls and I have been up since about 7 in the morning, discussing the plan into more depth. When we finally agreed on what to do, with much disagreement from Brent and I, we finally decided on our plan. It's 11 now and all we had to do was wait for the others, so we can explain to them, the plan. Right now it's just Oliver, Eliza, Ally, Brent, and I. We have to wait for Alex and Dimitri.

"So I have the uniform that Alex has to wear." Oliver stated putting black slacks on the couch, followed by a black button up shirt and a belt.

"I swear Harold had no sense of style for his clothes," I pouted feeling bad for those working for him. "It's so sad!"

Oliver rolled his eyes, "Who cares if they have no style, that's not the point here."

I looked into his eyes, filled with irritation.

I rolled my eyes at him as the door knocked. Since I was the closest, I got out of my seat and answered the door. Revealing the two guys we were waiting on, Alex and Dimitri. I moved to the side while acknowledging Alex, and let them in. Dimitri smiled- well, smirked- at me. I just ignored him and closed the door. Five minutes later, the door was once again knocked on.

Groaning from having to get up, I walked over to reveal Bradley. I looked at him confused, before giving him a smile. I stepped aside so he could move inside, and closed the door when he finally did. I walked back into the living room, which was where we were discussing the explaining the plan, with my arms crossed and grim smile plastered on my face.

"Hi Bradley, I didn't know you were coming here." I sent a look over at Brent's way before sitting down in my original spot. Brent returned the look with a shrug and smiled at Bradley. This bitch...

I cleared my throat, "Well now that... We're all here, lets begin explaining the plan." Everyone nodded and sat forward, looking at me.

"Well after deep consideration," I sent Brent the same look as before. "We decided that we need one of you two to go in and work as a undercover security guard. All of us, being Ally, Brent, Oliver, Eliza, and I had thought that Alexander, would be fit most for the job." I sent him a small smile. "We already have your clothes ready if needed. And Oliver will be the one to help you get the job, since he's working for Lilly's dad. Not in a bad way." I added when I saw Bradley, Dimitri, and Alex sit up and give Oliver a look.

"Basically all that you, Zander, needs to do is gain Harold's trust. Since Oliver was only hired to protect Lilly, not Harold or the company. We need you to be able to find any information about Harold that you can get." Brent began to speak, "After that, we can finally cuff this bastard, and get revenge on him for killing Lilly." Brent's face dropped into a frown, when as she said Lilly's name. And she shifted in her seat.

"What about me? And Bradley?" Dimitri's deep accent rang throughout the now quiet room.

"We'll just need you, and Bradley to be there in case we need extra muscle. We don't necessarily know what Harold can throw at us, if Alex's cover is blown." I looked him in the eyes as I spoke. His features lighting up, since I actually spoke to him. Even if it was for something as small as directions.

Bradley nodded, taking in whatever information he was told before he looked, more like stared, at Brent's face. Ally stood up and grabbed the clothes that were laid on the side of the couch and handed them to Alex. He took them and walked toward the bathroom, smiling at Ally as he did so.

"Brent, can I see you in the kitchen? For a brief moment?" I sent her a grim smile and walked towards the kitchen. She followed after and sat up on one of the counters.

"What's up?" she looked at me with fake innocence, clearly knowing what she did.

I chuckled at her acting, and crossed my arms again. "What exactly is um, Bradley doing here? I told you I didn't want him getting involved. We already have one person at stake. We don't need two." I was referring to Zander being that person. He was, after all, going into enemy territory. He didn't really complain or refuse with our directions either. Way to take it for the team.

"I told you Bradley can help us, and he's already here with his instructions. Which, by the way, you didn't do a good job at telling him otherwise." She gave me a look.

"That's not the problem. The problem is, that you immediately disregarded any sense of reason I gave you. Now Bradley is getting into business that isn't his. Dimitri and Zander knew and was there when during the time of the incident." I forced those last words out, shaking my head as to not get upset about Lilly.

She got off the counter and spoke lower than what we originally were. Her hand was perched on my chest, as if about to push me away. "Look, I know you don't trust anyone because of what happened with some ex boyfriend. But not everyone is that guy. Bradley isn't that guy. He knows how to handle himself and knows when to do things and when not to. He wanted to be in this plan, to help. Im I'm certainly not gonna tell him no, just because of your bullshit excuses." She pushed past me back into the living room, leaving me dumbfounded.

I snapped out of it, and walked to the living room. Seeing Eliza sitting and talking with Oliver. Eliza seemed to be sitting as far as possible from Brent. Brent doing the same as she spoke quietly with Bradley, smiling and chuckling at the things he said. And then there was Ally and Dimitri, who were conversing. Both of them on the love seat. My anger flared a bit. But not at Dimitri, at Ally. Weird.

After my few steps into the room, Alex decided to join us dressed in his completely black "work" uniform. His shirt fit him perfectly, slightly showing off his pecs and biceps. I grinned at him, while Ally indiscreetly looked him up and down.

"You look hot." she smiled at him. Whoa, hold on? Does Ally have a thing for Zander? I think I might have some meddling to do with their relationship later.

"Yeah, I agree; really hot." I laughed nodding in agreement with Ally. Dimitri frowned at my statement but didn't say anything.

Oliver stood up, dusting off his pants. Like there's anything dirty in this place... Except my room. But that's not the point.

"Alright. I think we should go and see Harold now... Or maybe wait a bit?" Oliver looked at Brent then to me.

I shook my head, while Brent nodded. Making us both send glares to each other. I broke contact with her and looked at Oliver, sending him a fake smile. "Go ahead. Take him now, I'm sure Harold is dying for new help."

"I hope he's dying in general," muttered Eliza, but we chose to ignore her unhelpful wish.

Oliver nodded and walked out the door with Alex in tow. When they were gone, eyes were either on me, or Brent. I coughed awkwardly to myself and made my way to my room. Waiting for what events unfold next.

(A/N: just so we're clear Daniel kept sending looks to Brent because of the whole Bradley thing. I hope you understood that. Anywhore its like 12- almost 1 and my head hurts so I'm going to sleep. Hope you liked -Ruben)

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