Part 46

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My eyes groggily opened, only to be rudely bombarded by a blinding light. God? Awh, hell no. Back the fuck up, I am NOT dying today! I thought to myself, thrashing around. But as soon as my arms began flailing, sharp pain erupted through my wrists and through my legs. I bit back a cry and let my eyes adjust to the light around me. My teeth were so clasped around my lower lip, thick, metallic liquid seeped into my mouth and trickled down my chin, making my irritated that I couldn't wipe it off.

As the light faded slowly, creeping away and molding into a soft light that allowed me to see clearly. My wrists were bound behind my back, around a chair. Every time I moved them, teeth like pieces of what I think was glass stabbed into my wrists. My feet were bound in a similar way, and I indeed saw glass set up to stab me every time I moved them. It was a very smart contraption, having the appearance of handcuffs with clear teeth.

My admiration for the mid-evil contraption was cut off by a smooth voice, yet slightly gritty with bitterness. It was harsher than the voice I knew all too well as Harold, Lilly's dad. His tone was venomous and filled with enough hatred to make me close to tears.

"Well if it isn't one of Harold's daughter's little bitches. I bet you're just as much of a no good, fat, whore as that fucking slut that I killed." My eyes prickled for a moment, but soon anger and resentment over took my body, causing it to tremble. Jumps were sent up my spine, leaping on each knot and bone. I could feel the pulse in my fingertips, mixing with the blood that ran down my hands and onto the ground.

"At least I'm not a raging psychopath like the satanic piece of shit in front of me." I bit back. His eyes flicked to mine. Brent had said he was wearing brown contacts when she saw him, but he was now letting his soulless, blue daggers show. Silvery-white locks perched upon his aged head.


"And here, I was told to look out for the boy with black eyes and the pale brunette. If you are this witty and stupid then I can't even imagine how idiotic those pathetic bastards are." He mocked, seeming to try and get a kick out of me. He was trying to rile me up. Well, too bad for him. I am going to be as calm as a fucking cucumber. A murderous cucumber with extreme anger coursing through its blood, yes, but a cucumber, nonetheless.

"Well if I am stupid, then you are just below 'Neanderthal Level'. Or are you farther? More like 'Bat-Shit Crazy, Yet Still A Little Bitch-'"


I grinned through the pain. Getting him angry was not a brilliant idea, but it kept him talking and when people are angry talking, they get stupid. When people get stupid, they tell you things they really don't want you to know.

"Shut up, whore!" I raised both brows.

"Wow, only one insult, T? I'm shocked. You may be losing your touch there, old fellow." I smirked.

Stomach punch. Slap. Kick.

I again had to bite down to keep away the groans of pain I wanted to unleash. Actually, scratch that- I wanted to break down and cry for my momma, but I have far too much dignity for that. I spit out a wad of saliva and blood that had built up in my mouth, landing it on his shoes.

"So, what's your real name? 'T' seems a bit vague to me. It's like you're trying too hard to be mysterious and yet, not trying hard enough." I said, cocking my head to the side, as if putting real thought into it.

"You don't need to know that." T growled out quickly.

"It's not like I'm actually going to live. We both know there is no way I'm going to live. I don't see Brent or the others anywhere, do you?" I questioned, turning my neck as if I was looking for everybody. But I knew they wouldn't be there. It was still dark outside- the sun was only minutes away from rising, but it was still dark.

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