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Watari's POV

Where are those two? At this rate we won't get to do anything! Although I am looking forward to their performance tonight. I wanted nothing more than to listen to them rehearse but I, or anybody else for that matter, were allowed to see them rehearse. Not even Hiroko! Whatever it is they're working on, I just know it's going to be special!

It was only 11 but with the attention span those two have and the fact that they will probably get all lovely dovey on multiple occasions the day will not be long escaping us. Seeing as I'm a third wheel, you would think they would get on my nerves but they I know they belong together. They are soulmates. I knew it from the day they first met. They were drawn to each other. The happy go lucky boy who hid his true feeling and the depressed girl struggling to find a reason to go on living who put all her feelings on display. Then again, they do say opposites attract. 


I've known Kaori since we were both 5 years old. We've been through everything together. Our first days of school, her dad's death, my first team game, her first recital. The good and the bad. We have always had each others backs. I've never liked her in that way. It wouldn't feel right and thinking about it makes me uncomfortable. 

Unlike the two lovebirds, my life, to this point, has been pretty average. Uneventful, for want of a better word. I have the average family. It's me, my mom and my dad. I'm an only child. But I always had what I needed. They supported and continue to support me in everything I do. With Kao also being an only child, we only had each other. I guess that's why we are so close. We had nobody else.

However, one day, Kaori changed. Her dad died a while ago. He was the kindest man I had ever known and the whole town loved him. He really was one of those people you only meet once in a lifetime. That was the strength of his presence. On top of that, he was the best baker ever! He always had treats of some kind for me and Kaori when we would pack lunches and go playing for the whole day. I cherish those memories. She's like a sister to me. She's been through so much these past few years. After her father's death, she became a shell of her former self. She was afraid of everything. She lost interest in the things that once brought her joy. His death ruined her.

But then thank God she met Kousei. Fate was bound to bring these two together at some point. The pieces just had to fall into place. I think that day was the happiest of my life. Why you ask. It didn't even involve you in a big way. What about all the traumatic things you went through that day? The reason I cherish that day more than any other...

That day, my friend came back to me. My sister who had been lost for so long half-living. The girl who wanted nothing more than to just stop existing. That day, Kaori Miyazono was reborn. All thanks to discovering the existence of one guy. Kousei Arima. 

I am forever in your debt Kousei. You saved her.


Kaori's POV

After a bit more walking, we arrived at Watari's house. It's been a bit since I've been here but I could describe the house, inside and out, with my eyes closed. I've spent so much time here over the years. Especially since my dad died. We just waltz in each other's doors without knocking because we are basically each other's family and his parents know it's me without me having to say anything. His mother just shouts "Hey Kao. Long time no see. How are you?"

She then turns around and gasps. It turns out I'm still grasping Kousei's hand but he doesn't seem to be bothered so I don't let go. Then a big smile stretches across her face.

"My. It has been a long time. When did you get so big on me?" She playfully asked as she pulled me in for a hug.

"It's nice to see you too Mrs. Watari."

I guess it's time for introductions.

"This is my...uh...boyfriend." I giggle.

"His name is Kousei and I like him a lot."

"I can tell! You haven't let his hand go and your face has been as red as a tomato since you walked in the door. Nice to meet you Kousei! And Kao, I heard you're finally picking that violin back up! I'm guessing your boyfriend here has something to do with that."

"No." I said which earned me a look from Mrs. Watari and Kousei.

I just gave him a peck on the cheek which turned his serious face into a goofy smile.

"It has everything to do with him!" I replied as she cooed.


We stayed for a while to catch up. I really missed this place. Mrs. Miyazono and Ryóta are like the family I never had. For that, I'll be forever grateful. 

"I hear we have a birthday boy today." My second mother said, looking in Kousei's direction.

"Oh. Yeah. It's me haha." He nervously responded playing with his cannula. He's so shy. I grabbed one of his hands under the table to try calm his nerves. He was shaking. He settled a little bit soon after.

"Well, I'll be in the audience later cheering you two on! You guys will be amazing I have no doubt!"

I was anxious and nervous about our performance tonight. It's been three years since I last performed on stage. Truth is, Kousei is not the only person with rivals. I have a rival of my own and she is as fierce as they come. I fear she is out for blood. But I can't think of that right now. I won't.

I'll see her later when me and the guy I love take the stage.

When I make my grand return!


A/N: So not a lot really happens in this chapter again but I'm trying to develop Watari's character a bit and out the relationship between him and Kaori under the spotlight here.

I hope you guys enjoyed! <3

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