The Three Musketeers

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As we left Watari's house, we contemplated what exactly we would do for the day. It was 12:15 at this point so we had about 5 hours. We decided to head to the local mall. We all had reasons for going there too. Me and Kousei wanted to check out the music store and Watari had to pick up new soccer gear. We ended up spending quite a bit of time in the shops. Me and Kousei went where we had to go when Watari got his stuff. 

For musicians like us, being in a music store is like a child being in a Toys-R-Us! We were giddy for no reason. But, then again, we did have a reason. We were together and our passion was on full show. We looked for ages at instruments that we didn't even play, found scores that we were determined to play together, talked to the owner for a bit, and then I got a shock.

Why was this happening? Today was meant to be his day. I didn't understand. Where had it come from? I had just left to go to the toilet. I shouldn't have left him!

The unimaginable had happened. For the first time in three years, I held a violin I could call my own! Kousei, on his own birthday no less, had bought me a violin! How much had he paid for this thing?! Where did he even get the mon-?

Don't tell me. He didn't.


"Hm?" He said as he smiled happily at me satisfied with his purchase.

"I am so happy with this even though you didn't have to. But how did you afford this? Please tell me you didn't use the money you got for your birthday."

He just looked at the ground with a guilty face.

"Kou! You're meant to use that money for you and something you want!"

He looked straight into my eyes. Those sapphire gems. I got lost in them again. He cupped my cheeks with hands.

"You make me happier than any material good ever could. Seeing you this happy is all I need!" He said while flashing a big stupid grin at me.

I admired him even more after that. I still didn't like that he had spent that much on me but I decided to humor him for now. Seeing him happy was all I needed. Besides, I couldn't stay mad at him.

"You goof. I love you." I said before giving him a peck on the cheek. He seemed to realise what I was about to do though and turned his head at the last second which ended in our lips colliding. It was a nice surprise. It didn't last long though as Watari returned and we didn't want him feeling even more of a third wheel than he had to.


We decided to make our way to a café after we met back up. It was 2 in the afternoon. Soon enough me and Kousei would have to be at the auditorium to prepare for our performance. I couldn't wait but at the same time, I think I was more anxious than I had ever been. I didn't even get to play my new violin. But I knew once Kousei was with me, I would be okay.

We placed our order which me and Watari paid for. Kousei tried to but I was not letting him spend another penny on me today! I just wanted him to enjoy himself. He needed a break. He's been through a lot since he got out of the hospital and seeing it breaks my heart. I try to stay strong for him but knowing I could wake up one day and he might not is killing me. When the time comes, a part of me is going to die. But I can't think of that right now. I won't.


"Here's your order!" said the waitress as she flashed a smile.

Kousei's eyes were bulging and his mouth was watering as he stared at the plate in anticipation.

"Thank you very much!" the three of us exclaimed.

I opted for a salad. Honestly, I wasn't even that hungry but I knew I had to keep my strength up for later. I was still weak since my own stint in the hospital. My road to recovery has been pretty long but every time I start to feel bad for myself, I remember my light at the end of the tunnel. And then I proceed to feel guilty. Kousei is obviously in a much worse position than me. I'm so selfish.

But he can read me like a book.

"You're doing it again." He said.

"Huh?" I tried to play it off as nothing but he wasn't falling for it.

I felt a warm sensation in my hand. He had interlinked his fingers with mine. I don't know what it is about him but he always knows what to do.

I was about to say I'm sorry but he cut me off.

"No. I'm sorry. I guess I haven't been considering your feelings lately. I've been wallowing in self pity. So how about this? I'll stop feeling sorry for myself, you stop feeling bad about yourself and we'll take care of each other. Well, you already take care of me as it is so, I'll take care of you. Let me be the one to worry for a change okay?"

I knew he wouldn't take no for an answer. "You're cruel." I said.

"No. I love you. If that's being cruel, then I'm the cruellest guy alive."


By the time we were done at the café, it was about 90 minutes before we were due to be at the venue. I was starting to get shaking but I held it together as best as I could. We were going to be awesome together. I could feel it. We were fulfilling our destiny.


???'s POV

I've been waiting for this moment for three years. Finally, the day is here. You're playing Love's Sorrow huh? Three years away and you are still just as pathetic. What the hell are you thinking coming back to my stage? I've been chasing you down ever since that day but just when I think you're in reach, you dissappear. You were my idol you know. I thought the world of you. You inspired me to pick up a violin in the first place. But then, one day, my idol, my invincible, indestructible idol, left the stage. How stupid. How selfish. Heroes never die. But mine did. At least your legacy did.

But you're back. What brought you back? I'm thinking too much again. Tonight, I end you.

Kaori Miyazono!

"Sayori! We have to go! Come on. It is time."

That was my instructor. I think she's still annoyed at me for not going to the States when I had the chance. I wouldn't go because I had a point to prove. The reason I started playing was to surpass you. On this day, I fulfill that goal.


A/N: Hey people! So I know this probably seems rushed and it kinda is but I wanted to get something to you. Also, I'm sure you recognise the piece in the video at the top. I've been obsessed with it and I hope you like it too!

The performance is coming. A new character has arrived to the stage. Things are about to heat up. The competition is starting.

Their journey has begun.

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