✥chapter two ✥

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Spun the stars on her fingernails
But it never made her happy

The applause sent butterflies off in Brendon's stomach. The whole club gave a standing ovation at the end of the set and nothing made Brendon happier than knowing strangers appreciated his music. The people close to him didn't.

As soon as he stepped off stage people rushed to compliment him on his performance and rave about how beautiful his voice was. He'd heard it a million times but he never got used to it.

When the rush died down, he sat at an empty seat at the bar and ordered a beer like a normal patron, his heart still overjoyed about the kind words he'd received.

"Excuse me," a timid female voice interjected.

Brendon turned around and smiled at the girl in front of him. "Hi."

"Hi. You were amazing up there," she said, sitting on the stool next to him. "Your voice is so gorgeous."

"Thank you," he replied with a grin.

"Do you sing at parties?" she asked. "Because I'd love to have you. My friends would adore you."

"Parties?" he repeated, raising a brow. "Wow, I mean, sure."

"I haven't heard anyone like you. Seriously, you're tremendously talented."

"Thank you so much. Truly."

"How rude of me to not introduce myself," she laughed, waving hair out of her face. "I'm Matilda Clarke but my friends call me Tilly." She put her hand out and Brendon shook it.

"I'm Brendon Urie, and my friends just call me Brendon," he joked.

"Well, Brendon, it's really nice to meet you. Do you sing here all the time?"

"I have for a while now. I didn't think people would care but apparently they do," he said, thinking back to his first and rather successful performance. "I guess we're just that good."

"You mean you're just that good," she corrected him.

He chuckled and sipped his beer. "I guess."

"You should be famous or something," Tilly suggested. "Like Duke Ellington."

"Oh, God, no," Brendon laughed. "That would never happen."

"You don't know that! The whole world should hear you. They'd love you."

There was such strong conviction in her hazel eyes and he couldn't help but share the same feeling. Brendon wanted it to be possible but there was no way June would be on board.

Jazz and Liquor ✥Brendon Urie ✥Where stories live. Discover now