✥ chapter twenty-three ✥

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You're reading lips
When did he get all confident?

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Although June didn't like it, Brendon asked the manager at the bank for part-time shifts so he could focus more on his club. Eventually, June found something to do while he was gone. She hated sitting around doing nothing which made pregnancy extremely annoying for her.

Brendon unlocked the doors to his club at five pm and poured himself a glass of cognac at the bar. He was beginning to really take a liking to his job and he cared deeply about this secret establishment. Of course the ridiculous amounts of money made any hardships tolerable.

He wandered into his dressing room for a cigarette after finishing his drink, annoyed that he'd forgotten to bring his pack with him. He stole the bottle of cognac from the bar shelf to keep for his on selfish desires. There were plenty of bottles down in the cellar that would replace the one he took.

He opened the door of his dressing room and nearly gasped when he saw Tilly laying on the couch smoking a cigarette herself. She grinned when Brendon entered the room. "Fancy meeting you here," she said as smoke funneled out of her lips.

"How long have you been here?" Brendon asked, reaching for the cigarette he came for. "How'd you even get inside?"

"I'm engaged to your boss. Did you forget?" Tilly laughed.

"Kinda hard to forget that one," Brendon said.

"I heard you work at the bank part-time now," she said, sitting up on the couch so Brendon could sit next to her.

"This speakeasy thing already takes up enough of my time," Brendon explained, sparking a flame with his lighter. "I figured I'd devote myself to it."

"You're so dedicated," Tilly said, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek. "I love you for that."

Brendon grinned at her lips on his skin. "I love you too."

"How's Carter? He's not getting brave is he?"

"No, I hope he doesn't get any ideas. $1500 is already a lot of money. Not sure I'm willing to give him anymore."

"Understandable. But you also can't afford to get arrested," she said, tracing her fingers along his jawline. "I'd miss you."

"I won't get arrested, don't even think about that," Brendon assured her, taking her hand in his. "There's a hundred other people doing exactly what I'm doing. They can't arrest all of us."

"I'll make sure they take Henry before they take you," Tilly said, putting out both of their cigarettes. She proceeded to straddle his lap. "Then it can really be us." She kissed his neck. "Forever."

"Forever," Brendon repeated, burning under her hot gaze.

She consumed him in a slow, sloppy kiss that only increased his body temperature. His hands snuck under the fabric of her dress as well as the sleek silk slip underneath to grip her thighs. Tilly kissed him harder the tighter he held her. She reached for the tie around his neck and Brendon for the buttons on her dress but voices caught Brendon's ear. His hands and lips froze.

Jazz and Liquor ✥Brendon Urie ✥Where stories live. Discover now