✥chapter three ✥

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And it's killing me inside
Consuming all my time

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"Matilda Clarke is one hell of a woman isn't she?" Pete asked when Brendon returned to the bar. "Your eyes were wandering."

"I know." Brendon wasn't even going to deny it. "She's beautiful."

"She said she had a fiancé which means she isn't married yet-"

"No, stop," Brendon interrupted with a wave of his hand. "That's wrong."


"So?" he repeated. "I don't need to be in trouble with Henry Moretti."

"But she's worth it. And she doesn't seem happy with that guy anyway. Your chemistry was unbelievable," Pete commented. "She'll be back tomorrow, right? Dedicate a song to her or something. Girls love that kind of thing."

Dedicating a song to Tilly didn't sound like such a bad idea but it didn't sit well with Brendon the more he thought about it. As beautiful as he thought Tilly was, he couldn't cheat on June. It wasn't like him.

But if it was such a bad idea, why couldn't he stop thinking about it?

Brendon couldn't get the idea out of his head on the entire walk home and he hated himself for it. He put his wedding ring back on to remind himself of his commitment to his wife.

The apartment was dark when Brendon arrived home and he quietly closed the door behind him so he didn't disturb the peace. June was asleep to his surprise but that relieved some of his stress. He undressed and got in bed with her.

"You're home," she mumbled, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"I am," he replied with a grin. "How was your party?"

"Great. You should go next time and meet my friends."

"Maybe I will."

He wouldn't.

Jazz and Liquor ✥Brendon Urie ✥Where stories live. Discover now