✥ chapter thirteen ✥

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Friends are happy for me
Or they're honey-suckle phonies

"Mr. Urie will be one of the few entertainment acts featured at my club when it opens next week," Moretti announced, giving Brendon a friendly pat on the shoulder as he stood up from the piano. "I hope to see you all there!"

Applause erupted from the guests and Brendon bowed his head in gratitude. He made eye contact with Tilly who watched the entire show from the top of the stairwell. She motioned for him to meet her upstairs and he nodded.

"Henry looks happy," she said, leading Brendon down the hallway. "You sounded beautiful as always."

"Thank you. I guess I earned my $250, huh?" he asked, taking her hand and swinging her arm back and forth.

"Most definitely. You deserve every penny. I'm so proud of you." Tilly flashed a smile and opened the doors to a balcony area. "I recommend you write a new song for the opening next week. Partly because it would make you look good in Henry's eyes and partly because I can't get enough of your work." She shut the doors and immediately threw her arms over his shoulders.

"That sounds like a great idea," Brendon responded, squeezing her waist. "Maybe I'll write a love song this time."

Tilly smirked. "A love song? About who?"

"Who do you think?"

She rolled her eyes and held Brendon by the lapels of his suit jacket. "You're sweet."

"Henry wouldn't mind me singing about you, would he?"

Tilly let her eyes fall to the floor. "I don't know. I hadn't thought about that."

"I didn't mean to-"

"I'm not upset. I just really hadn't thought about it. Or this, I guess."

Brendon frowned. "What do you mean?"

"I've been so caught up with other things I haven't really thought about the consequences of this little..." She paused. "...romance, I guess you could say."

"So are we...?"

"We?" Tilly gasped, removing her hands from Brendon's chest. "No, there's no 'we', Brendon, we-I, I can't do that."

Brendon shoved his hands in his pockets. "I understand."

He could feel Tilly's eyes on him as he stared out over the landscape. Her gaze burned a hole straight through him and he couldn't help but blurt out his true feelings.

"I like you, okay?" he said. "You're beautiful and honest and extremely kind and I'm crazy about you even though I know I shouldn't be."

Tilly's face grew red and she shifted her gaze between Brendon and the floor. "Crazy about me?" she asked.

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