✥ chapter ten ✥

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I wouldn't be caught dead
In this place

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"I'm gonna need you to close the bar," Tilly said as Pete wiped the counter down.

"Excuse me?"

"It's urgent," she added. "You'll understand in fifteen minutes."

Pete glanced at Brendon. "Listen, Miss Clarke, I don't know how your father or your husband..."

"Fiancé," she interjected.

"...right. I don't know how they run things or if they let you get away with whatever you want but this is a business and customers are just walking in. I can't close the bar because of an 'urgent' situation."

"Pete, you don't understand. This is serious. People's lives are on the line."

"What is she talking about?" Pete asked Brendon. "You know I can't close the bar."

"This isn't Brendon's problem, it's between you and me," Tilly said, snapping her fingers to gain Pete's attention over the obnoxious jazz music. "Close it."


"Because if you don't, my fiancé's men will come in here and shoot you right between your eyes without thinking twice about it. I suggest you close this bar and take my goddamn advice because I don't want you to die tonight unless you have a death wish."

Pete blinked and Brendon only shrugged. "You heard her."

"Wait, can we talk about this?" Pete asked.

"There's no time to explain anything. Please just close the bar and go somewhere safe," Tilly urged him.

Pete gingerly placed the closed sign on the counter and untied his apron. "Who else knows about this?"

"No one but I know you guys have more friends here that you'd might want to warn so we should make this fast," Tilly said.

Brendon checked his pocket watch and frowned. "I don't think we'll have time for that. If those guys are coming at 9:30 we have two minutes."

"Every second counts, right? Where are they? Let's go." She yanked on his arm but he didn't budge.

"We should probably head back to my dressing room and wait. I don't wanna risk it."

"But your bandmates and that dancer, what's her name? Angelica?"

"Angelina," Brendon corrected her with a laugh. "She's smart. She won't let herself get killed in a gang raid. And my bandmates probably left already, they're fine."

"And you can't warn Angelina anyways," Pete added, nodding toward the stage. "She's working."

Angelina was dancing as backup for another performer which was disheartening for Tilly but not for the audience. Burlesque performances were popular and Angelina had always been particularly good at them.

Jazz and Liquor ✥Brendon Urie ✥Where stories live. Discover now