✥ chapter five ✥

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Fix me or conflict me
I'll take anything

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Tilly was quick to drop two sugar cubes and a hint of cream in her tea as soon as it arrived to the table. She must've preferred her tea hot, since she only blew on it for a few seconds before taking a long sip. Brendon found himself consciously ignoring her even though she was sitting right in front of him. He was beginning to regret asking her out in the first place.

"So how've you been since I saw you twelve hours ago?" she asked with a smile.

"I'm fine. I'm working on a new song actually."

"Oh my gosh, how exciting!" Tilly exclaimed. "What's it about?"

"Oh, just things that go on in Sandburg's. The club life, you know?"

"I'm really excited to hear it. When will you perform it?"

"Hopefully next weekend. I still have to get together with the band and practice but you should hear it soon."

"That makes me so happy. I can't wait."

Brendon spotted a piano near the back of the shop and became very audacious all of a sudden. "Can I play you what I have?"

"Of course!"

She followed him to the piano and leaned on the wood as Brendon placed his fingers on the keys.

"What's the song called?" Tilly asked.

"'But It's Better If You Do'."

He was nervous for some reason, considering he sang in front of people every weekend. He looked up at Tilly every few seconds to make sure she was still enjoying the song and she was, every single time.

"Brendon, that was great, you're tremendously talented," Tilly raved, applauding. "How do you do that?"

"Do what?" he laughed.

"That!" she repeated, gesturing to the piano. "You're incredible."

"Thanks. It still needs some revisions but you'll hear it again very soon."

"I'm excited. You really need to be on the radio or something. You'd be famous."

"I would take that chance but I'm not sure it would work out."

"Oh no, why not?" Tilly's voice became drenched in concern, which Brendon appreciated.

"Just because..."

"If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm always here."

Brendon wasn't sure she'd be interested in talking about his problems with his wife. He wasn't sure she'd be interested in knowing he had a wife, but he thanked her anyway.

"I really enjoyed this little outing, thank you for inviting me," Tilly said, returning the empty tea cup to the shop's employees. "We should do it again."

He knew they shouldn't do it again but he agreed to it anyway. Tilly was something Brendon knew he couldn't have which made her all the more desirable.

Jazz and Liquor ✥Brendon Urie ✥Where stories live. Discover now