✥ chapter twenty-seven ✥

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They were fighting for their love
That started growing tired

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Brendon found himself rather excited for June to return home. He needed someone to distract him from the mess with Tilly and he knew June would have a lot to say after spending a few days with her family.

He was going over the profits of the past month when he heard the door open and close. Normally that would depress him but today it didn't. He closed his notebook and went downstairs to greet his wife.

"Hi, honey. How was your trip?" he asked, kissing June's cheek and taking her luggage. "How's your mother?"

"She's great. Put my things away and I'll tell you all about it."

Brendon smiled and did as he was told. He didn't mind listening to June gossip about her family if it meant that he wouldn't linger on the other night's events.

He skipped downstairs expecting June to be cheery and bright eyed but was met with a stone cold stare. The first thing Brendon noticed were her hands behind her back.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Have a seat, dear." She nodded toward the sofa. "We need to have a chat."


"Just sit down."

Brendon sat down on the sofa.

June took a step closer to him as she drew in a sigh. "I really hate to drop all of this on you so soon but..." She slammed a stack of paper down on the coffee table. "I want a divorce."

Brendon chuckled. "What?"

"It's not funny, Brendon. I'm not in love with you and I haven't been in love with you for a long time. This is over."

"You can't file for divorce," Brendon said, knowing full well that she knew women couldn't file against their husbands. He didn't know why he cared in this situation.

"I know. And that's why I'm giving you reason to do so." She drew in another breath. "I haven't been working. I quit my job about six months ago because it made me tired, to be honest. And the women there were extremely dense. It was a drag, really.

"Second, I've been seeing another man who's richer than you and who's been richer than you for a long time. He's wonderful and I saw him this weekend. I didn't see my family and I don't care about them to tell you the truth. And this baby..." She rubbed her growing stomach with a grin. "...this baby isn't yours. It's his."

Brendon stared at June's stomach with tears in his eyes. He didn't even care about her cheating on him and not working when he was slaving away to make ends meet. He wanted that baby. He wanted to be a father.

"Why'd you lie to me?"

"What was I supposed to tell you?"

"You should've told me when you found out!"

"Things were rough when I found out I was pregnant."

"Things have always been rough, June!" he exclaimed.

"I can't argue with you. Stress is bad for the baby." She touched a hand to her forehead in exhaustion.

"I don't give a damn about that baby! It's not mine anyway! You're heartless. I don't know how I put up with you for as long as I did."

"You and me both, sweetheart. So are you signing the papers or what? I'm moving in to his place this evening."

Brendon flipped through the packet, his tears blurring the words on every page like a watercolor painting. "I cheated on you too," he said, his heart sinking lower as he thought of Tilly's face.

"Was the sex good? If not, it wasn't worth it," she joked, glancing at her stomach.

"I was scared you would hate me more than you already do if you found out, especially with a baby on the way. I didn't know what to do." He reached inside his jacket pocket for a pen. "But I guess it doesn't matter now."

"You don't have to pretend that you're upset, Brendon. Just sign the papers and go."

"I'm upset because I wanted this to work out, June," he snapped. "I didn't want our relationship to end like this."

"This was fate, dear. We were complete opposites anyway. At least now we can both be happy with people we actually love."

Brendon shook his head. "Maybe you can but I ruined my chances at being happy three days ago. The girl I was with is engaged."

"That was stupid of you."

He smirked. "I know."

"Who was she?"

"Matilda Clarke."

June sank down into the chair across from him. "That makes a lot of sense."

"Just wish things would've turned out differently." He signed the first page of the packet without reading the words.

"Honesty goes a long way, I think we can both attest to that," June said as she watched him signature the next page. "And I think it's very flattering that you still cared about my feelings during this entire ordeal even though you knew we weren't in love anymore. That Henry Moretti guy is a monster and Matilda would be much better off with you."

"But I'm a liar."

"You're not. You're an honest man who didn't tell the truth this time around. Give her time. She'll run back to you." June laughed to herself and rubbed her stomach again. "Maybe you should get her pregnant. Give that son of a bitch a reason to get rid of her. Then she'll be all yours."

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