✥ chapter fifteen ✥

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A secret so the spies
Could never find us out

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Tilly began to make regular visits to the bank after their kiss. Sometimes she pretended to deposit money and other times she didn't. Brendon was more afraid of falling in love with her than getting caught and it haunted him more than the memories of Sandburg's. It hurt to kiss June when he'd been thinking about kissing Tilly again. He hadn't brought himself to kiss her since that afternoon at Moretti's speakeasy and he wasn't sure if he ever would, no matter how bad he wanted to.

June was silent as he got dressed for the club opening. She watched him run back and forth between the bathroom and the bedroom from their bed. She wasn't thrilled that he'd gone from performing at Sandburg's to performing at a gang leader's speakeasy but there wasn't much she could do about it. June Urie wasn't going to say no to a check.

"How do I look?" Brendon asked, turning to his wife when he was fully dressed. "Not bad, right?"

June shrugged. "Sure."

"I'll see you when I get home, okay? Please don't wait up for me. I don't know how long I'll be."

"Don't drink yourself to death. I can't believe I'm letting you go out there," June sighed, picking up a novel. "This is even worse than Sandburg's."

"I'll be fine. Just trust me." He rounded the bed and kissed June's forehead. "I'll tell you all about it when I get back."

"Don't. That way if you get arrested I won't have to lie. Plausible deniability."

"See you later, June," Brendon laughed.

The walk to the speakeasy was rather lengthy but Brendon didn't mind. He warmed up his voice and sang his new song on the way all while ignoring his anxiety. The new audience and amount of money on the line really stressed him out but he knew he could do it. All he had to do was close his eyes and sing.

He barely found the first door since the alleyway was poorly lit and he almost screwed up the password at the second door but he got in. The lack of familiar faces didn't soothe his nerves once he was inside. He searched for anyone he might know and finally found the one person he was always dying to see.

"Miss Clarke," he said, tapping Tilly's shoulder.

She turned away from her conversation with a group of women and smiled when their eyes met. "Mr. Urie! I'm so happy you made it! Here's your entertainment for the night, ladies!" she told her friends. "Let me show you to your new dressing room." Tilly excused herself and linked arms with Brendon. "You look nice."

"So do you. I love white on you," he said.

"This dress was custom made for tonight, can you believe that?" Tilly scoffed, leading him through a door near the stage. "Henry said I had to look perfect."

Jazz and Liquor ✥Brendon Urie ✥Where stories live. Discover now