✥ chapter twelve ✥

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Velvet lips and the eyes to pull me in
We both knew you'd already win

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The apartment was empty when Brendon returned home from his meeting with Henry Moretti. June left a note on the kitchen table saying she was hanging out with a friend tonight and Brendon couldn't have cared less about where she was. He practiced a few songs on the piano since he was playing solo at the party and he didn't want to embarrass himself, especially since Moretti was paying him $250. Once he was confident in his performance, he changed into more formal attire and freshened up in the mirror. He was dressing more for Tilly than Moretti.

On the walk there, Brendon bought her flowers out of sheer impulse. He regretted it once he handed the cashier the money but he really couldn't help himself. He liked this girl and decided that he could buy her whatever he wanted because they couldn't be together anyways. Plus he was pretty sure Tilly liked him back.

Mary was sitting on the front porch waiting for Brendon just like she was that morning. This time she offered a smile.

"Good evening, Mr. Urie," she said. "Nice to see you again."

"You too," he responded, taking his hat off once he was in her presence. "Am I early?"

"Oh no, you're just in time," Mary said, letting Brendon inside the house. "Miss Clarke told me she wanted to see you because Mr. Moretti was out, is that correct?"

Brendon admired the high ceilings and crystal chandelier hanging above him in the foyer. "Yes, you'd be right."

"I don't mean to sound intrusive but do you like Matilda?" she asked, leading him up one of the two grand staircases. "I'm not going to tell anyone if you do. I'm just curious."

"I guess you could say that," Brendon said, his face growing hot with embarrassment. "How'd you know?"

"The flowers were a good guess," she joked. "But if it makes you feel any better, Miss Clarke likes you too. You're all she talks about. I haven't seen her this happy in a long time."


"Yes. You're much better than Henry, trust me. He's awful."

"What did he do to her last night because when I asked Tilly she didn't really say anything," Brendon said. "I mean, how bad is he?"

Mary stopped walking. "Mr. Urie, he's terrible," she whispered, defeat clouding her eyes. "She can't do anything right according to him and the girl isn't perfect. She's actually really clumsy if you ask me, especially around him. And that doesn't make anything better."

"Does he hurt her? She seemed traumatized after last night and not just because of the shooting."

"I've only seen him hit her once and I almost got fired for standing up for her. Whenever he gets upset with her he asks me to leave the room so I'm not sure what he does. It's not anything good, I know." Mary shook her head in disappointment. "She's such a sweet girl and she tries her best to do the right thing but it never works out for her. Henry was livid after last night. I wanted to stay but he kicked me out like usual. She doesn't deserve it."

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