✥ chapter twenty-six ✥

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And truth be told
I never was yours

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Butterfly kisses to Brendon's face woke him from his sleep. Tilly's hazel-brown eyes were the first thing he saw and he couldn't help but fall in love with her all over again. She smiled down at him while running her thumb over his lips and kissing him again.

"Good morning," she said.

"Morning." He brought her back in for another kiss. "How long have you been up?"

"Not that long. I'm so used to waking up on the earlier side."  She lay her head down on his chest and wrapped his arm around her waist. "I love you."

Brendon pressed his lips to the top of her head. "I love you too."

"I'm gonna tell Mary to get some breakfast started. I'm so hungry." Tilly turned the comforters over.

"Stay," Brendon insisted, refusing to let her go. "Two more minutes, honey."

"Fine, since you're so cute." She ruffled his hair and planted a kiss to his forehead. "Two more minutes."

Two minutes later, Mary was pouring two cups of tea at the dining table. Tilly dropped in her usual two sugar cubes and a hint of cream. Brendon watched her sip it hot as he blew on his own.

"This is the most peaceful morning I've ever experienced in this house," Mary said, rolling up her sleeves to wash the dishes. "You two look awfully cute eating breakfast together."

"Mary, you're such a romantic," Tilly teased, rolling her eyes.

"I just love seeing you happy, Miss Clarke."

"She's the sweetest," Tilly said to Brendon. "I was thinking we could take a walk in the park or something. I just wanna hold your hand."

"Don't forget you have planning today," Mary interjected. "Sorry to interrupt."

"Planning?" Brendon asked.

Tilly held up her left hand. Her engagement ring twinkled in the sunlight peeking through the curtains.

"Oh." Brendon suddenly lost his appetite.

"But I'll see you tonight, right? We can have a repeat of yesterday." The reassurance in her eyes made things a little better.

Brendon had some business to take care of at his speakeasy that he would've ignored if Tilly was still free. He kissed her goodbye for now and went back home to change before going to the club.

Moretti's new recipe of liquor was being unloaded when he arrived. Pete was already dipping into the supply and obviously enjoying it, as he went back for seconds when Brendon shook his head in disdain.

Jazz and Liquor ✥Brendon Urie ✥Where stories live. Discover now