✥ chapter nineteen ✥

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She said she'd won the world at a carnival
But she could never win me

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According to Henry Moretti, the man Brendon killed was Ivan LaPialga, second in command of a rival gang. Brendon thought he could breathe easy when he heard Ivan was only second in command but he was also the younger brother of the first in command, Demarco LaPialga. Moretti told him not to worry about anything and gave him his first real paycheck. Brendon wasn't sure he could accept $20,000 but he did. A few men loaded briefcases into the back of Brendon's brand new car and he drove it to his apartment where June was packing up their things to be moved to their new house in the ritzy part of town, closer to Moretti. And closer to Tilly.

June was waiting for Brendon when he arrived and helped him carry their things to the car. They left a majority of their furniture behind because they'd already purchased higher quality furniture. Brendon insisted on taking his piano, however, even though he'd already bought another one. It had sentimental value he didn't want to let go of.

"You look so beautiful, love," Brendon said, helping June into the car. "I don't remember buying that dress though."

"Because you didn't buy it," she replied. "I refuse to wear clothes you bought with your gang money."

"I hope you like living in the house I bought with my gang money."

"Don't remind me."

Brendon started the engine and sped off to their new house, seemingly more excited than his wife.

Their new house sat on a generous plot of land with a brand new white picket fence guarding the manicured lawn. There were six bedrooms and four bathrooms to take care of but June didn't like the idea of a butler or maid. She said she'd clean the house herself and that she'd keep working so she didn't look suspicious. Brendon went along with it to avoid an argument.

Brendon couldn't wait to play his piano in their new living room and for the first time in God knows how long, June smiled and sang along with him. She was so beautiful when she was happy and Brendon suddenly remembered why he fell in love with her. He couldn't get her upstairs to their new bedroom fast enough.

Things seemed to be looking up for Brendon. It was a wonder what a few thousand dollars could do.

He still showed up to work Monday morning in his tailored suit and recently shined shoes, shocking his coworkers but they didn't ask questions. That still didn't mean they weren't suspicious.

"You look great," Spencer said as they made their morning coffee. "Rich is a good look on you."

"I think it would look good on you too." Brendon handed Spencer an envelope.

"What's this?"

"A thousand dollars," Brendon responded nonchalantly.

"Brendon, I can't take this."

Jazz and Liquor ✥Brendon Urie ✥Where stories live. Discover now