✥ chapter twenty-two ✥

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Drown every sense you own
For the girl that you love

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Brendon showed up to the club a few hours early to help unload the new shipment of liquor from Henry's distillery. Not only did Pete need the help but Brendon needed the human interaction. He picked up Spencer on the walk there and met Angelina at the door.

There was a cellar downstairs under the main ballroom area where the majority of the liquor was stored, far away from where any prohibition officer could find it. Pete was one of the few people who had a key to the cellar and had got started on unloading the bottles of alcohol onto the shelves.

Angelina watched Brendon line the bottles up as she sat on an empty barrel with a smoking cigarette between her cherry red lips. They made eye contact every few seconds and her eyes told him everything he needed to know. He got tired of her staring at him and decided to come right out and say something.

"Yes, Angie?" he asked, slamming a bottle down on the shelf.

"I didn't say anything," she said, crossing her legs.

"Yeah, but you're thinking it. What do you want?"

Angelina smirked and flicked ashes from her cigarette. "So you're not gonna tell Pete and Spencer, huh?"

"Tell Pete and Spencer what?" Pete inquired, passing an empty crate off to Spencer.

Angelina nodded toward Brendon's friends. "Well?"

"Do we have to do this now?"

"What better time than the present?" Angelina enthused. "There's no one else here but us, you might as well."

"Brendon, what's going on?" Spencer asked.

"You know what? Since my business is everyone else's business I guess I have to tell you," Brendon snapped, annoyed that Angelina insisted on bringing this up. "But this stays between us, understand?"

They nodded. Angelina straightened her posture.

"I'm in love with Tilly," he said. "I don't know if that's news exactly but I haven't admitted it to anyone yet."

"No shit," Pete mumbled to himself.

"Is that all?" Spencer asked. "I feel like there's more to the story."

"There is," Angelina assured him. "Don't leave them on a cliffhanger, sweetie."

"I shouldn't be in love with her and not just because she's engaged," Brendon began looking back at Angelina. "I'm married."

The cellar went silent for a solid two seconds before Pete broke out in hysterical laughter. Spencer let out a few chuckles as well.

"Married my ass!" Pete cried, wiping a tear. "That's funny."

Jazz and Liquor ✥Brendon Urie ✥Where stories live. Discover now