✥ chapter eight ✥

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Placing a smile
At the perfect event

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The days went by slow when Brendon was in the midst of it but he was always surprised he'd made it through another workday. He didn't speak to June and June didn't speak to him for a day. He hated not talking to her and hated when they were mad at each other. He never thought his married life would be filled with so much conflict and strife.

On the way home from work on Wednesday he stopped by the florist and picked up a bouquet of white roses, her favorite. It wasn't much but she always liked when he bought her things.

June was sprawled out on the bed reading a novel when Brendon entered. She flicked her eyes up at him and turned the page when she noticed the present.

"Beautiful flowers," she commented.

"They're for you," he responded, sitting on the foot of the bed. "I know you love them."

"Is this a peace treaty?" she asked, closing the book and sitting up.

"Something like that, I guess," he said. "I'm sorry for yelling at you and being hostile. I get carried away." He held the flowers out to her. "Take them."

June took the flowers out of his hands. "Thank you. I'm sorry too."

"I love you, okay? I really do. I just wanna make you happy, that's all I've ever wanted." He tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"I know."

"Just believe in me, okay? I'm gonna buy you that house, my love. I promise." He took her hand in his and she smiled.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you too. So much."

He kissed her deeply and she wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back. June let go of the flowers when they fell back onto the bed without breaking the kiss. She began to unbutton his shirt and he pushed her toward the headboard.

"Let's make this quick, we have somewhere to be," June breathed as Brendon left kisses on her neck.


"We'll talk about it later."

He grinned and unzipped her dress.

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"So where are we supposed to be going?" Brendon inquired, pressing kisses to June's bare shoulder.

"A party with some friends. I wasn't gonna take you at first but I changed my mind," she responded. "We don't have to stay long." She turned over and pulled Brendon in for a kiss.

"That's fine with me. When does it start?"


The small analog clock on the nightstand read 6:05. "We better hurry."

Jazz and Liquor ✥Brendon Urie ✥Where stories live. Discover now