✥ chapter twenty-five ✥

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So tell me right now
You think you're ready for it?

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Brendon was beginning to think this entire situation was fate, especially when June told him she was spending a few days with her family in the next town over. He didn't ask any questions so she didn't ask any questions. He tried not to act too excited when he dropped her off at the train station. The stars were in perfect alignment for him and Tilly to spend some quality time together.

He dusted off his brand new suit as he waited for Mary to answer the door after he knocked. He wanted to get to the club before too many patrons arrived to talk about Angelina possibly ratting him out to the LaPialga's. He hoped Pete might know something about this and Spencer said he would show up when Brendon mentioned it to him at work a few days prior. He hadn't talked about this since it happened.

Tilly had been ready for fifteen minutes according to Mary. She wouldn't stop talking about how excited she was to spend time with him on the walk there.

The club was busy but not packed, making it the perfect time to talk about the conspiracy. There was enough background noise to discuss the sensitive subject but not so much that they couldn't hear each other. Angelina happened to be dancing when they began the conversation which ruled out any chances for an interruption.

"So what is this all about again?" Pete asked, serving Brendon a glass of Moretti's new whiskey. He could afford to gossip since there weren't so many patrons at the bar.

"There's people after me," Brendon said, leaning in closer to Pete. "Tilly and I were here the other day and two guys broke in ready to kill me. Someone sent them to take me out."

"What? Why?" Spencer asked.

"I may have killed the second in command of Moretti's rival gang on accident," Brendon confessed.

"Accident?" Pete cried. "How do you kill someone on accident?"

"He was gonna kill me if I didn't kill him first! Same with the other two guys," Brendon explained.

"He did what he had to do," Tilly said with a shrug. "If Brendon didn't kill them, Henry was gonna send someone to kill them anyway. They were dead as soon as they stepped foot in here."

"So you killed the second in command and the two minions. What now?" Pete inquired. "Do we all need to buy guns or what?"

"Well, one of the guys told me that 'some girl' told him she knew whoever killed the second in command, Ivan. It wouldn't be Tilly because there's no way Moretti would let her converse with his rivals. The only person left is Angie."

"Angelina? Our Angelina?" Pete repeated. "There's no way."

"No, it makes sense to me," Spencer interjected. "She's dating a prohibition officer. Carter might not be holding up his end of the deal."

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