✥chapter four ✥

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You have set your heart
On haunting me forever

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June usually slept in until eleven on Saturday mornings which gave Brendon some personal time before she started nagging him. He found the sheets of music he'd been working on and sat at the piano in the living room.

He'd been writing this song for a week now but it wasn't coming to him. The lyrics were choppy and the chords were basic, causing him to hate the song even more. He'd only been working for twenty minutes and he already needed a break. He made breakfast and sat near the window, hoping that the view of the people below would inspire him.

He only remembered having one cup of coffee but when he went back for a refill there was none left. If coffee and a view didn't help, he didn't know what would. He returned to the piano and played the song again but his fingers wouldn't even form the chords.

In the midst of his creative catastrophe, he suddenly  remembered Matilda Clarke and Brendon shut his eyes to get rid of the mental picture of her beautiful smile. This was wrong. Thinking about her was wrong.

On the contrary, his song was lacking a certain je ne sais quoi Tilly might solve. He relaxed his muscles and let his mind toy with the idea of sitting at the bar with her again and then going outside to smoke a cigarette. Yesterday night was the happiest he'd been in a long time and it was because of her.

He began to wonder what it would be like to hold her hand or wrap his arm around her and the very thought of it made him warm inside, reigniting that lost creative flame. Brendon reached for a pencil and scratched out dull lyrics for new lyrics that he was more content with. He cleaned up the chords and played the song again from the beginning. 

"You're always on that damn thing and it wakes me up," June suddenly interjected, rubbing sleep from her eyes. "It's ten AM, Brendon, give me a break."

"Maybe you should wake up earlier," he scoffed, resuming the chord progression. "Does this sound good to you?"

"Sure," June replied rather nonchalantly.

"I didn't even play anything."

"You didn't have to. You've been playing the same thing all morning. I pretty much have it memorized."

Brendon didn't know whether to take that as an insult or a compliment; at least she'd heard his music.

"Can you be productive today and go run some errands for me?" June requested. "I have a dress at the tailor's and we need a few things from the market."

"I'm a little busy, honey," Brendon answered, struggling to stifle his irritation.

"You've been playing piano all morning, Brendon. It's not going anywhere unless I throw it out. Go to the store." She left a list of grocery items on top of the piano. "Hurry up, please."

Brendon forced himself to leave his piano before reluctantly dressing in more appropriate attire and walking to the grocery store. He thought of this errand as a way to get his creative juices flowing so he could finalize his song. He also wanted to forget about Tilly.

The market was busiest during this time of day but Brendon didn't mind the hustle and bustle. In fact, it only got his mind buzzing with ideas. He picked up the items on June's list and was about to get into the checkout line when he saw her. Brendon probably thought about her enough to summon her in person. He wanted to say a quick hello but he didn't know exactly what to say or if he should say anything at all. It was ironic that he was a few feet away from the girl he'd been trying to forget about.

Brendon swallowed his pride and got out of the checkout line before walking toward Tilly. He tapped her shoulder.

"Mr. Urie! Fancy meeting you here!" she exclaimed. It warmed Brendon from the inside out to see her smile and sparkling brown eyes again. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. I saw you from the checkout line and had to say hello. Are you here alone?"

"Oh, never. Henry-er, my fiancé," she corrected herself for some reason, "would never allow that. This is Mary, my maid." Tilly gestured toward a lady inspecting apples for purchase. "What about you?"

"I'm just picking up a few things for myself." He didn't want to mention he was married just yet. "There's a tea shop nearby. Can I buy you a cup?"

"Are you sure? That sounds lovely."

"I'm sure. I can always pick these up later," Brendon insisted, returning the fruit in his wicker basket.

"Mary can put your things away if you'd like." Tilly took the basket from his hand and gave it to Mary. "I'll meet you outside," she told him.

"Take your time." He definitely wasn't in a hurry to get home.

Brendon probably only waited for three minutes but it felt like an eternity. He was paranoid of June randomly showing up out of nowhere while he was out with Tilly. He didn't know how he would explain it to her.

"Sorry for making you wait," Tilly said when she finally emerged from the grocery store.

"I don't mind at all. Shall we?" He put his arm out and Tilly hastily linked her arm with his.

"We shall."

Jazz and Liquor ✥Brendon Urie ✥Where stories live. Discover now