✥ chapter twenty-one ✥

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Stranger crusaders
Ain't ever wannabes

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There was no piano playing that Saturday morning. What started as a normal, peaceful day was interrupted by a cryptic package on Brendon's doorstep. He grabbed a sweater and got in his car, driving as quickly as he could to Moretti's house. Mary answered after his pounding fit on the door.

"Mr. Urie, it's seven am," she said. "Miss Clarke is still sleep, I'm sorry."

"I apologize for bothering you at such an ungodly hour, doll, but I'm actually not here for Tilly. Is Moretti awake? I need to speak to him," he answered, showing her the box.

"He never sleeps. Right this way." She guided him upstairs to the study and knocked. "Mr. Moretti, Mr. Urie would like to speak with you."

"It's open."

Mary nodded at Brendon and he twisted the doorknob. Moretti was filling out paperwork at his desk with a glass of whiskey in hand. He invited Brendon to sit.

"You didn't have to bring me a present, Mr. Urie," he joked, eyeing the box in Brendon's hands.

"Not sure you'd want this present," Brendon replied. "I think the LaPialga's are onto me."

"What makes you say that?"

"Someone left this at my door this morning." He put the box on Moretti's desk. "I'm pretty sure they know I'm the one who killed Ivan."

Moretti took the box and lifted the flaps. He pulled out a milk bottle with a note attached to it. "This note is just an empty death threat, don't worry."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Don't drink whatever's in this milk bottle though. That could be bad," Moretti suggested, packing the items back in the box.

"Why would they send threats if they didn't mean anything? Why would they waste their time?"

"Because they want to scare you, Brendon, and if you let them scare you then they've won. You killed Ivan because he pulled a gun on you and threatened to take your life. That'll hold up in court if you ever get arrested. My lawyers will make sure of that," he said, handing the box back to Brendon.

"So you're saying I should turn myself in?"

"Not unless you wanna get jail time for distributing liquor."

"Then what do I do?"

"Nothing," Moretti said, topping off his whiskey. "The LaPialga's are a bunch of weak sons of bitches with the most disgusting liquor I've ever tasted in my life. Honestly, if they bother you again kill them all. They deserve it."

"I guess. Thank you."

"Sure. Hey, thank you for being so extremely kind to Matilda whenever she's at the club. Most guys would try and get at her but you're very respectful. I appreciate that."

Brendon swallowed the lump in his throat to mask the sudden distress going on his head. "Yeah, of course," he stammered. "She's becoming a good friend of mine."

"Oh, I know, and that's great. She needs some friends like you, especially when she's out late at night. Keep up the good work."

"No problem." He got up and exited the room hoping he didn't look too desperate. It was getting hard to breathe in there with Moretti looking him directly in the eye.

Brendon made his way down the hallway, his brand new loafers clicking rhythmically against the floor as he speedwalked toward the stairs. He hadn't allowed himself much time to breathe since he arrived at Moretti's and unfortunately the advice he'd received hadn't made anything better. He was still terrified of what the LaPialga's could do to him and he wasn't sure he could kill anyone else. He didn't want to.

He looked up for the first time in a few minutes and instantly regained the breath he'd lost. Tilly was standing at the top of the other staircase looking radiant as ever in her nightgown and chiffon robe. The sun from the nearby windows spilled over her skin adding a golden aura to her appearance. Brendon swore she was a real life angel.

Tilly gave him a shy wave and he waved back before she tiptoed down the steps. Brendon followed after her and they met at the bottom.

"Good morn-"

"You look so beautiful, hello," Brendon interjected. Words were just falling out of his mouth.

"Thank you. I just woke up and didn't even touch my hair, I'm sure it's a mess," she said, touching her brown waves.

"Don't worry about it. Please, you're perfect." He wanted to touch her skin so badly.

"You're way too kind. What's in the box?" she asked.

"I think the LaPialga's want me dead," Brendon responded. "But your fiancé said I shouldn't worry about it. You were right."

"Oh. You might wanna buy a gun," Tilly said, sitting on the couch as Mary brought out a tea tray.

"A gun?"

"It's not like you can't afford it," she laughed, thanking Mary for her service.

"No, I know I can, but do I really need one?"

"You work for a liquor kingpin now. I think it would be a nice addition to your waistband or jacket pocket. Wherever you'd like to keep it."

"I'll definitely think about that now."

"I'll see you tonight though, right?" Tilly asked as Mary opened the front door. "Please tell me you're singing."

"I am. See you there, doll." He forced himself to look away from her so he could leave the house.

June was awake when he made it back home and she didn't ask any questions about the mystery box he was holding. She didn't ask any questions at all about anything to be quite particular, concerning him deeply. Brendon didn't want to disturb the rare peace that had come over his wife but he had to ask to clear his conscience.

"You're quiet this morning, honey," Brendon said, putting the box on the coffee table. "Are you okay?"

"Sit down for this," she said, scooting over on the couch. "Please."

Brendon did as he was told. "What's wrong?"

"I thought I was going crazy but apparently I was right all along," she told him, taking his hand in hers.

"Right about what?"

June took a deep breath before revealing, "I'm pregnant."

Brendon blinked. "What?"

"I'm pregnant. You're gonna be a father," June said, placing Brendon's hand on her stomach.

She was beginning to show slightly and Brendon could feel the growing swell on her torso. Being able to feel it made this even more real.

"Wow, June, I can't believe this," he said, bringing her into his chest. "How far along are you?"

"I went to the doctor while you were out and they said I'm well into my first trimester. I thought I was under the weather but apparently I was carrying the newest addition to our family. How crazy is that?"

Brendon kissed her forehead. "Really crazy. I'm so happy, sweetheart, this is incredible. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

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I'm laughing

Congrats to the happy couple or whateva I would not wanna be that baby

Jazz and Liquor ✥Brendon Urie ✥Where stories live. Discover now