✥ chapter six ✥

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I want to complicate you
Don't let me do this to myself

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The weekend passed by faster than Brendon hoped but then again it tended to slip through his fingers. He woke up at five AM on Monday morning with the memory of buying Tilly a drink at Sandburg's and chatting at the bar. She was always so sweet to him and everyone else.

Brendon cleaned himself up in the bathroom and stared himself down in the water stained mirror. He hated himself for having so much fun over the weekend without June knowing. He felt bad but a small part of him didn't. He got dressed and picked up his hat from the dresser. His wedding ring sat alone on the dark wood and he grudgingly swiped it off the dresser before putting it on his finger. It pained him to to put it on and pained him to take it off.

"I'm leaving, honey," Brendon whispered to a half-sleep June. "I'll see you when I get home."

"Mmmhmm..." she groaned, rubbing her eyes.

"I love you."

She nodded and closed her eyes. Brendon smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead. She didn't have to be at work until nine.

The city was just as awake as June on this Monday morning as Brendon walked to work. He tipped his hat to men on the corner and waved hello to the shopkeepers unlocking their stores. Walking to work was his favorite part of his day. He arrived at the bank right at 5:30, just in time to grab a cup of coffee before he had to set up his station.

"How's the song coming?" Spencer asked. He was also making himself a cup of coffee. The two had met at work and always talked about music related things on the job.

"It's going great. It's done, really. Wanna see?"

Spencer nodded and Brendon pulled out the sheet music from his briefcase. Spencer looked over the notes as he sipped his coffee and seemed pleased with what Brendon had written.

"Looks good."

"I might let Ryan look over it too. He always has something good to add," Brendon said. "I guess we can rehearse tomorrow."

"Sounds good to me. This might be your best work," Spencer said, sliding the sheet music back across the table.

"I'm not even close to my peak," Brendon laughed, stashing the papers back in his briefcase. "Trust me."

Customers began to walk in around six, forcing Brendon and Spencer to set up their stations. Workdays tended to be slow and leisurely but the employees didn't mind. It gave them time to talk amongst themselves and Brendon usually wrote songs when he wasn't depositing and withdrawing money from bank accounts.

"So what's with that girl you met the other night?" Spencer asked outside on their lunch break. "She looks rich."

"Tilly? Oh yeah, she's nice."


"Her name is Matilda but she told me to call her Tilly. That's what her friends call her."

"So you're friends?"

Brendon shrugged. "I guess."

"You guess? I know you like her," Spencer said with a sly grin. "She's pretty! Go for it."

"She's also engaged to a super rich guy. I'm not trying to get sued for everything I own."

"Who's she engaged to?"

"Henry Moretti."

"Moretti," Spencer repeated. "Sounds Italian. Maybe he's in the mob."

"Shut up."

"Maybe it's best that you leave her alone."

Brendon nodded in agreement. Spencer's reaffirmation of his previous speculations only made him less inclined to pursue Tilly.

Until she showed up at the bank.

"Mr. Urie!" she greeted. "Fancy meeting you here!"

"I'm starting to think you're stalking me," Brendon laughed. He glanced at Spencer who only smirked. "What are you doing here?"

"Mary and I are just depositing some money for Henry. Nice day for a chat with a friend, huh?" she asked, looking at Spencer.

"We're on a break actually. We work here," Brendon answered.

"How convenient! You sing with Brendon, right? I'm Matilda Clarke but you can call me Tilly," she said to Spencer.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Clarke. I'm Spencer Smith."

"I was gonna drop by Sandburg's tonight and drop something off for you guys but since we're here now I'll give it to you."

Mary handed Brendon an ornately decorated invitation. "A party?"

"Henry's party. He needed entertainment and I suggested you. I hope it's not too short notice."

"No, it's fine! We'll be there! It sounds fun." 

"Great! I guess I have an excuse to be at the bank." Tilly winked at Brendon before walking inside. "I'll see you around, Mr. Urie."

Spencer watched Tilly and Mary walk inside the building then shoved Brendon. "You gave in!"

"What was I supposed to do?! Say no?"

"She's in love with you! I can't even get someone on the dancefloor let alone some girl following you across town! Why don't you ask her out on a date?"

"I can't," Brendon sighed, unclipping his briefcase and putting the invitation along with his wedding ring inside.

"Why not?"

"Because I can't. She's engaged to some rich guy. They're depositing money for him. I don't have that type of cash."

"Who cares?" Spencer asked. "She's obviously attracted to you and she knows you work at the bank now. She winked at you, I don't think her feelings have changed."

"Look, Spence, I like her, is that what you wanted to hear? If I could ask her out on a date, I would, but I can't. I would've done it already. But she's depositing money for her rich fiancé instead of sitting at my run down apartment, waiting for me to come home and I know she wouldn't trade that lifestyle for me."

"How do you know that?" Spencer asked. "Have you asked?"

"No!" Brendon exclaimed. "No, I haven't! I can't. So quit asking." He took his briefcase and walked back inside the bank.

A/N: I just wanted to let you know that I changed Henry's last name from Durham to Moretti, solely for the sake of making him Italian as Spencer mentioned. You'll find out more about that in the future!

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