✥ chapter sixteen ✥

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He senses something
Call it desperation

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Brendon spent his Saturday morning at his piano trying to gain piece of mind before June woke up. He hadn't told her about the $500 he'd earned from his gigs and he was really nervous to say something for some reason. He was worried she wouldn't think it was enough but he worked really hard for that money and Tilly even mentioned a raise. If he performed seven days a week at that rate they'd have upward toward $2000 and he didn't know how much of a raise Tilly was even talking about.

He reached for the envelope that he'd left on top of the piano and looked through the cash again. The only time he held stacks of money was at work. Getting paid so much to do what he loved was something he'd only dreamt about. He didn't expect the money to come from a gang leader, however.

Moretti wanted Brendon back at his house at 10 for a "post-performance evaluation" as he'd called it. Brendon wasn't quite sure what that meant but he wasn't going to disagree with the man giving him money. He put a tie on for this meeting.

A few cars were parked in front of Moretti's house when Brendon arrived and he hesitated when ringing the doorbell. If he had to meet his gangster confidantes he was sure he would embarrass himself, especially if Tilly was around.

"Good morning, Mr. Urie! Come in," Mary chimed, stepping aside to let Brendon in the house. "Mr. Moretti is having a meeting with his associates but Miss Clarke is having her morning tea in the backyard. Would you like to say hello?"

"How much longer is Henry gonna be? I don't want him to get suspicious."

"He won't, trust me. He couldn't care less about Matilda. Follow me." She winked at Brendon and led him to the backdoor. "Miss Clarke, you have a visitor!"

Tilly smiled at him from her table and motioned for him to join her. He thanked Mary before doing so.

"I guess we'll be seeing each other more now," she said, quickly kissing his cheek and hugging him. "Henry likes you."


"Yeah, he loved your song about the password," Tilly laughed pouring Brendon a cup of tea. "He's gonna change it now but he'd planned on changing it every few weeks or so."

"Good to know. I had more fun than I thought I would. It was weird performing somewhere else but I liked it a lot."

"Good because he wants you to be a routine act. You might be able to quit your job."


"You wouldn't mind that would you? Yes, I will be there every night," she joked.

"No, that sounds great. I just didn't see that coming."

Jazz and Liquor ✥Brendon Urie ✥Where stories live. Discover now