✥ chapter nine ✥

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Troubled love
And high speed noise

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Brendon had finally made it through another grueling week of work and was rewarded with a night at Sandburg's, his favorite place in the world. He hadn't seen Tilly since she showed up at the bank earlier that week and he was yearning to see her face again. He spritzed cologne on his suit jacket and took his wedding ring off his finger, placing it in his nightstand drawer. He didn't want to be reminded of June when he was trying to have a good time.

"Going to your club?" June asked, settling down on the couch.

"Yeah, don't wait up for me, love," he said, giving her a quick kiss.

"Be careful, please," she begged as he grabbed his hat off the coatrack by the door. "It's dangerous over there."

"I know, honey, I will be."

"If you see anything suspicious, you come back home. I can't have you caught up in that alcohol making business it's stressful and raises blood pressure."

"Yes, June," he sighed, unlocking the front door. "See you later."

He sang the chorus of his new song as he walked to Sandburg's with a spring in his step. He couldn't wait for Tilly to hear it with the whole band this time, just so he could her smile. It made him warm at the thought of it.

"You're on time tonight," Angelina said, handing him a glass of whiskey when he entered. She was dressed in her flashy red costume with matching red lipstick.

"I am," he said, accepting the glass and immediately taking a sip. "Have you seen a little lady with curly brown hair walk through here?"

"There's a million little ladies with curly brown hair around here, Brendon," Angelina said dryly.

"Her name is Matil-"

"Am I supposed to ask every little lady with curly brown hair what their name is now?" Angelina scoffed. "Now you're gonna be late. Stop asking questions and go get ready."

Brendon rolled his eyes and hurried upstairs to the dressing room. "You're on time!" Dallon cheered as Brendon finished his whiskey.

"Shut up."

"Spencer told us about the gig we got invited to," Ryan said, adjusting his suit jacket in the mirror.

"What gig?" Brendon looked at Spencer.

"Matilda Clarke?"

Brendon's heart palpitated. "Oh yeah, her fiancé is having a party and she wants us to play."

"Who is she anyways? Is she rich?" Ryan asked.

"Yes," Brendon replied. "And she's marrying even richer."

Jazz and Liquor ✥Brendon Urie ✥Where stories live. Discover now