Chapter 34

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I sigh, "I don't care. She can do whatever she wants. I don't need other peoples acceptance, I only need you guys. If people will judge me based off of this they aren't worth my time. Luke was a incredible and I will inly remember him being that. He was strong and amazing."

Shawn smiles at me, "Good, they aren't worth it. If they can't see how amazing you are that's their problem," he grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers.

Josh coughs rubbing his hand in the back of his neck, "I think you guys should talk, I'll see you guys at school."

We all say goodbye. I turn around and look st Shawn. "I love you," he says.

Wait. What.

"I know I hardly even know you, but I love you. Im inlove with you. I really am," Shawn says.

I'm not sure if I can say it back. I know I like him, like a lot. Like my heart hurts I like him so much. But I don't know if its love. I've never been inlove before. I know I love and care for him as a friend.

"I don't expect you to say it back. I think it would be better that way. Cass, I'm not sure if we could have a relationship right now. I'm leaving for a Magcon tour in a few weeks. We're too young for long distance. I really care about you. I would like for us to be friends?"

I agree, I mean Shawn has his whole career in front of him. I know he'll make it big one day. He'll become a huge star and make incredible music for millions of people.

I nod and intertwine our fingers, "If it's meant to be it'll be."

Shawn nods, "Thank Cass. For being a amazing friend. You are so caring, smart, friendly and beautiful. I'm going to miss you."

We hug for a while. I smile and stand up, Shawn stands up with me.

"You're going to be great one day Shawn. You are already. I cant wait to see you what you're going to put out in the world. I wish you the best of luck," I say sincerely.


Shawn did make it big, I was so proud of him. But unfortunately this was the end of our story. We both took different routes in our life. He will forever be a huge part if me growing and I will never forget him.

I'm sorry guys that this is how it ended. I really had no idea how to end this fan fiction. I was so unmotivated and hardly ever updated. I knew in the back of my mind I wanted Shawn and Cass to take different paths in my story so that's what I did. Thank for reading my fan fic. I really appreciate it. ❤️❤️

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