Chapter 43

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         All Might's emaciated figure quietly watched your battered, yet treated form breathe slowly, having slight discomfort from the tight gauze wrapped around your torso-- specifically the portion where the blonde landed his hit to push you off, before you could even strike down on Bakugou. Unconscious, you were, as you were lying on one of the clinic beds. Just how many times would he have to enter the infirmary just to visit you; you might as well live here. When your out cold body was brought in the infirmary's door yet again, Recovery Girl was livid. However, as soon as she found out what happened, her furious glare turned into a worried one.

Guilt was underlying within the Symbol of Peace's cyan pools, not really knowing what to expect from his colleagues, the public, your classmates, and of course, you and your mother. Although, he wasn't entirely clueless; he had a few hints of how things would play out, like how his fellow teachers would probably question your uncharacteristic behavior you presented merely a few moments ago, or how the public media would go wild with your 'versus round' with the Number One Hero-- inflicting sufficient damage while at it! Perhaps, this can strike fear, knowing that someone of your age could harm the Symbol of Peace. He let his guard down, and he cursed himself for that. He had shown weakness, and displayed it for the whole world to see; scaring civilians and encouraging villains.

Now what about (M/n)? She surely doesn't know what's going on, given by the fact that she hardly knows how One For All works! After years of separation, how could she..? Now that her daughter is wielding that said dangerous power, she'd ought to worry, and imagining her anxious look gave a hard wrench on Yagi's heart. She's confined in a hospital; so, all responsibilities regarding you is slumped all over his already-filled shoulders.

Your classmate, young Bakugou. How would he feel about you once he realized that he was almost killed by your hand? Not to mention your whole class watched the whole thing happen.

You've probably terrified them.

Now, what about the effects on you? Like before, there's a chance for you to not remember what happened as soon as you black out. You'll be wondering why that as soon as you wake up, almost everyone would be avoiding you-- save for those who are truly loyal to you. And heaven forbid you'd also be questioning why you were disqualified, and he can't bare to watch your reaction as someone was explaining to you the stunt you pulled in your fight. To almost commit murder. Of course, people would now be skeptical of you. You'll feel devastated; no doubt. Perhaps, you might even consider lashing out at him for making you like this. Was it even his doing? His fault? He doesn't know anymore. He was nervous whenever it comes to facing you now, making him think of the most irrational things.

Then, All Might's sight flickered to Midoriya.

A good hero, this boy would truly be; selfless, and not to mention, clever. Without hesitation, the greenette risked his own life, and regarded the safety of those around him first before his own. He even thought of cancelling his quirk with his own quirk at the very last minute, which was seriously dangerous. Thus, this resulted for Recovery Girl to perform surgery on his hands, giving it scars that would ought to stay permanent.

Midoriya didn't deserve to be dragged into this.

This was Toshinori's personal problem with you, and he inconsiderately involved the young boy too. Now look at how that affected your friendship with him. He just drifted your relationship with him apart.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Bakugou shift which made the Symbol of Peace transform into his muscly self to avoid suspicion from the ash blonde. After all, seeing a skeletal man once you wake up from being unconscious would be an unpleasant sight to see. As he predicted, the crimson-eyed male was awake, and immediately sat up as soon as he realizes he was in the infirmary.

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