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Admin writing review: @FallenAngel128

Author: @scrushchawhan

Title: Midnight Thoughts

Genre: Poetry

Cover: Rating 10/10.

I absolutely love the cover. I know it was made by our very own HermoineTheRavenClaw, and it soothes your book perfectly. It has an eye-catching quality and beauty to it. The cover is a definite keeper. And since your book is titled " Midnight Thoughts" it perfectly displays just that calm and vibrating feel of laying alone in bed and just thinking over everything.

Description: Rating 2/10.

The description is biased...sorry to be blunt. But it tells us nothing much, and it doesn't really hook someone to give the book a go. At the end, you do mention "Coz a sad soul is always up at night" which is beautiful. But, the 'coz' ruins it all for me. That is shortening the beautiful language, and if you want to be a true poet someday, casual texting language is very unprofessional. I suggest using 'because' instead.

Grammar and punctuation: Rating 4/10.

I'm not going to go into the punctuation here since its poetry. But, the grammar is not that good. I see many places where you have 'u 'instead of 'you' and 'i' instead of 'I'. Also, I noticed some randomly placed 'm' which I don't know if you mean, 'I'm?' and the infamous 'coz' It looks very abandoned by care. It looks like you don't care about your text or how it looks like. If you do change this up though, this text can be much better!

Characters: Rating 8/10.

Ok, so here is where I'm gonna go a bit on tough love. I reviewed Smkj1713's poetry right before this one. And, here's the thing guys, I saw lines that were exactly the same in both of your poetry. To the point where I started to wonder if it was the same person. I'm taking a blind shot here, and go with that it's two different people. But, one of the lines I saw was, " even my eyes are ashamed of looking at me." Both of you used that one. Shoot for originality people, if you're friends even, don't use the exact same lines in your poetry. Besides that, I did find your poetry strong, and very emotional. It's sad, but with a melancholy beauty to it. Keep going like this, but please, fix those issues above.

Things I loved:

I loved the description of feelings. You're good at that, bringing them to life, and make us relate to it in a simple manner. To make it beautiful with simple words is a talent in itself. Well done!

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