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Admin writing review: FallenAngel128

Author: @AmyCamy

Title: A vampire's Mark

Genre: Vampire

Cover: Rating 10/10

A mysterious and alluring cover. The horse tattoo and the posture of the girl really put the little extra in the image chosen here. I think it looks professional, dark and inviting. It soothes the title very well too. ' A Vampire's Mark' has a majestic cling to it and the cover is underlining the title perfectly. Well done! 

Description: Rating 10/10

This is the kind of description that would make me want to read the book and be super excited about it too.  The description is kind of poetic in the way you describe the little six-year-old girl and the Elite Vampire who watches over ' the mortal beauty from the shadows '.  At the same time, it doesn't reveal too much of the plot like some descriptions do, this is very simply put will only the most important key points featured. Enough, and not too much. Simply said, I think it's perfect!

The Characters: Rating 10/10

Ok, so we have Reyka and Ellesandra ( beautiful name.) Both are very well described characters. I liked how you started off the second chapter by describing Ellesandra as an ordinary girl that wasn't pretty or anything special. It's so un-cliche that I immediately fell in love with the character you created. You didn't flatter her as most author's do, but you also didn't say she was a complete mess. Just simple and ordinary. I admire that.  Her daily routines were also well described and I got the sense that she's hardworking and responsible. Whilst Reyka is very mysterious and macho, the Alpha scent is all over his character. I adore the fact that he's watching over Ellesandra, it's sweet... although I yet to find out exactly why. You did excellent with your characters. I think even further down the book, their character development is just pure epic since you set such a good base for them so early on. 

The plot: Rating 10/10

There's an elite vampire sworn to protect his Lord. But by some event, he ended up watching over a six-year-old girl and still does so while she has grown into a woman, and in the description, you promise us another event that will intertwine their fate. Very exciting and well thought out. By what I read so far, the way you're building the plot is by introducing us the characters first instead of diving into the main point/ the main event. In my humble and personal opinion, that's how it's done. It gives us time to relate to the characters and like them individually before shit goes down (excuse the language.)  The base for the plot is solid so far, and you've already been ranked, so I think you're on the right path of awesomeness. 

Grammar and Punctuation: 10/10

I noticed one thing here that not many dare to do on WP. You didn't double space your paragraphs, and I applaud you for that. In published hardcover/paper books, the paragraphers are only single-spaced, so obviously, that's actually the correct way in a book. But, on WP there's an unspoken rule that paragraphs should be double-spaced. I tried to write my book with single ones and got backlash. People say it's too hard to read if it's not double-spaced, and that the text seems cramped. But, I disagree on that, why shouldn't WP follow the regular rules of writing a book? Oh well, your chapters are short so it's an easy read anyway, so this may not apply to you. Your grammar and punctuation are flawless as far as I could see. You've taken your time and care to do it properly. Bravo!

Advice and overall stuff: 

What you have going here with this book, the cover and description are really great! It comes off as if writing just comes effortlessly for you, it shows that you know what you're doing. Your descriptions and everything is flowing without effort, smooth... like butter on toast! There's not much advice here to give since everything is pretty much on spot, so I'm only handing out praise. Excellently done, your book and writing are above average good, actually amazing! Keep doing what you do, and good luck further with everything :) 

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