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Admin writing review: CHBlackk

Author: Annabeth_Chase008

Title: Life is a Huge Mess

Genre: Poetry

Cover: 10/10

To start with this. I just want to say I didn't give you 10 out of 10, because you requested a cover from one of our admins, just to be clear! Your cover is colourful and very eye-catching, which is really good for attracting new readers. The text fits in, the title is visible and big and most importantly, I think it catches the ambience of your poetry book. Your book's title is Life is a Huge Mess, you can't elaborate that better with a cute little girl with birds and a universe in a person's mind. I think that is really the best part of your cover, just the whole motive is breathtaking.

The Description: 9/10

I like that the description of poetry is short. I mean, how much can you really write, right? Your title is already descriptive enough and the first sentence is very pulling 'Enter into my world and my work'  I was just a little bit bothered by the mention of your copyrights right of the bat. You did swing your way through quite nicely then, but if I were you, I'd leave the 'all these poems are written by me' for the end, but still keep 'are kept in the deepest part of my mind and heart.' If you leave the way it is, is fine too, it's just an advice :)

The Characters: 10/10

There are many POVs. Each poem has its own and everything is so different. Whatever you do in your poetry, everything is the best. It feels like if something else was used, would just sound weird and out of place. With the first poem, everything felt so personal, maybe I was really feeling my emotions that erupted while reading the poem. With the second one, I nearly felt attacked, because you were addressing the reader and warning him/her. The third one was like a looking glass. I was observing things unravel, the innocence disappearing etc. And I loved every single one of them.

Grammar & Punctuation: 10/10

This is a text free of everything that could pester any Grammar Nazi. Poetry can be a weird thing when it comes to punctuation, it has rules of its own, but with your poems, everything seemed natural and so right. Even if grammatically speaking somewhere shouldn't be a comma, you used it because it felt right, so we readers can catch the right rhythm and enjoy poem to its full potential.

Advice & General Stuff:

My advice is to keep posting your poems as frequently as you manage to. I don't know where to start when I want to tell you what I loved the most. I definitely enjoyed the usage of rhymes and how bouncy verses were among themselves. Like I was on a boat and wind was carrying me, that is the most accurate description I can give you of how it felt to read your poetry.

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