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Admin writing review: CHBlackk

Author: leighyeann

Title: Thankful to Life's Many Blessings

Genre: Short story

The Cover: 9/10

The cover is beautiful, but for my taste, the text is too crowded together. I presume the model on the cover is your main character - Brogan, which suits your title. This is after all about her. The font used on the cover radiates that easy-going kind of vibe, usually used for teen fiction or chicklit. In my opinion, it adds a certain charm to your story. 

The Description: 10/10

I have nothing to complain about. The description was in my opinion complete perfection. It points out who should be in our spectre, it tells us Brogan is here to cleanse herself of emotions and that life is full of ups and downs, which depends on how we perceive it. I liked it that it wasn't too long. Who wants to read a mile long description, am I right? It was of perfect length and it told us just enough for readers to jump right to the first chapter!

The Plot: 10/10

From what I've read, I dare say this is a plot that is used a lot but always portrayed differently. The plot involves break-ups and betrayals, the elements of almost every book. More than the plot, I love it how you executed the idea. Poems and chapters go hand in hand, which is amazing. Each poem was like a prologue for the following chapter! Many books are written directly from narrator's POV, so it was a welcoming novelty to finally read a book that told us the story of many people based on a few letters. Yes, there are books like that, but in my opinion not enough of them. 

The Characters: 10/10

I love stories with good character development. Your story belongs in that category. I didn't have to wait until 6th chapter to see why Brogan reacts this way, why she was hurt, why she did what she did. Letters tell us more about multiple characters. Just from the way they write their letters reveals us more than enough. Both poems and chapters gave us enough insight, for a reader to pick their side. I'm definitely on Brogan's side, my decision based on her feelings. Gosh, her feelings. That really got me, I sympathised with her and when Britt was being a little b*tch, I wanted to jump into the story and slap her. Your characters are downright awesome!

Grammar & Punctuation: 10/10

Nothing to complain about. Both grammar and punctuation were on point, at least in my opinion. English is not my first language. I know a few things about it and recognise where fixes should be made, but I never doubted in your grammar and punctuation skills. 

Advice & Overall Thoughts: 

I didn't want to mention this in a section above - Grammar & Punctuation, because I think it's bs. Sometimes I would notice you repeated one word for a couple of times, but only because I would squint my eyes and search for mistakes, just in case. So, it doesn't matter that much if you fix it or not, I don't think most people would notice it. Bt my overall thoughts are, this is a real artwork. You played with feelings and personalities, like a pro. 

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