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Admin writing review: The_Grim_Reaper_

Author: The_Dark_Poet

Title: Beautiful Liaisons

Genre: Fantasy

Cover Rating: 7/10

I must say, the cover does justice to the story. The color combination of burgundy and black adds a rich texture, like the smooth texture of wine melting in the mouth. The imagery does add a magical touch to the anticipation which the reader attributes to the description. Though I would recommend a little more color fading around the edges, and a little less block-like approach to such a beautiful cursive tale. The top text might look better if it was about a little away from the edges too, to establish a margin.

Description: 8/10

The description does it's work rather perfectly, if you would believe me. It does tell us in brief about the story, yet leave a lot to the imagination and suspense. Though I don't really won't let it go unnoticed that the second part of the review was a cliché, yet again, sometimes nothing explains it better than a cliché, right? The description deals twin damage to a reader's skepticism of the book's quality, one being the absolutely sizzling anticipation of steamy romance between the protagonist and a certain somebody, and the other being a rather blood rushing preview of what's in store.

Grammar and Punctuation: 10/10

Nothing soothes an intellectual mind than a manuscript of excellent grammatical practice. It's like music to us, and that is something rather symphonious about this work of literature. I didn't find more minute mistakes here and there, which I do want to clarify are not to be held as significant as to be held the author or the book as accountable. Rather beautifully done, speaks to the mind more smoothly than red wine speaks to taste.

Characters: 8/10

This book is rather incomplete, making it hard to say pretty much anything decisive about the characters, but so far, they are great. Every character is relatable, even down to poor ole Jesse! This speaks rather high of the author itself, and how much thought went into it. The best part is, even though the story is in its infancy, the characters are laid out, showing who is in how much water with everyone else, and that is rather commendable, as it means smooth sailing ahead for both reader and author. In a nutshell, a rather safe pay with the characters, but a remarkable nonetheless.

Things I loved: 

Well, how about everything? It's not against the rules right? I would be lying if I said that I really found something irksome about the story. It was as smooth for me as the Icarian Sea, and yet I was in an emotionally stimulating stance all throughout. The interactions between characters, and I am talking in particular about the exchange solely between Emily and Adrianna, were actually something rather overlooked in most fantasy novels. The character development stole my heart, and it Is one of the jewels in the crown of this book. The author has nonetheless actually left rather subtle hints of his/her observant philosophical nature, the vivid imagery of the dusk sky and how silence can be rather sharp. I certainly never seen such characteristics in a fantasy book, but I am certain I would love to see more of them. 

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