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Admin writing review: The_Grim_Reaper_
Author: aloststoryteller
Title: The Summer We Spent Apart
Genre: Mystery/Thriller/Teenfic

Cover Rating: 8/10
The cover is actually the most essential part of any novel, something that act as an amuse bouche for the entire experience for the reader. This book really hit the nail square on the head in this matter, for no cover can possibly suit it better than this. The exposure, contrast and color are just perfect to portray a cold ambience to it, and that is something that sets the mood, like an appetizer, for the reader, urging them to savor it some more. I really would recommend a different font for the author's name, something bit more cursive or archaic, for it does stick a bit out. Other than that, the cover is amazingly gorgeous.

Description: 9/10
The description is rather a slayer for me, it's way too awesome for mortals. Starting it off with a summarizing and empathetic quote from the book, and then jerking the reader with a shock of such a tragedy is rather one of the best ways I think you can captivate the curiosity of the reader, and that is something all description aim for. This description does it marvelously, raising more questions than can be answered, baiting the curiosity before we even realize that we are just unquenchingly intrigued and captivated by what is in store. A rather marvelous job.

Grammar and Punctuation: 10/10
Grammar is like the rhythm of the tale, and correct use of grammar is just as essential as rhythm to a symphony. I was glad to find that there weren't errors in the story according to me, and it was rather a pleasant and welcoming trait.

Characters: 6/10
Honestly, the score here is a rather mixed, because where I am just in love with Vesteriora and her description, the character development is rather slow, and even the brothers we meet could be done better with more depth. The character development seems to have taken a backseat while the romance blossoms in the earlier parts of the story, and that is not a flaw, for that can also work beautifully. As far as the targeted character is concerned, the descriptions are lifelike, more vivid than necessary, but you just can't possibly be too descriptive with characters. A rather great job, but would love for the character development and description to be uniform.

Things I loved:
Murder is a topic that not inhibits extraction of any romance from the literature, but this work here totally proves this part wrong. I honestly am in love with all the descriptions, all the perfect and magnificent usage of all the poetic devices, and that is something I can't help commend more. The words paint a masterpiece in the screen of the mind, and then breathe life into it, making it dance so vividly, as if we are viewing it firsthand. Second most amazing thing is the emotion. Oh, the use of emotion is to die for! The heartbreak, the pain, the love and the anticipation can be felt from just giving it just a simple read, and the empathy of these emotions just is so jarringly and excruciatingly vivid that words seemed to sweep of the page and grip the very heart of the reader, and it's overwhelmingly beautiful.

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