17 ~ Keys

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It was in the 1970s; two teenagers, boyfriend and girlfriend, were driving through the woods. The girlfriend decided she was ready to lose her virginity to her boyfriend, however they needed privacy. They wouldn't get it in their houses, so they took a drive to a close woods-area.

The girl and boy stopped in a small clearing. Together they got in the backseat of the small car and began making love.

Once they finished the boyfriend began to drive his girlfriend home. However, on the way out of the woods, the car ran out of gas. Cars weren't very easy on burning gas, and without the technology of cellphones, the two were stranded.

The boyfriend said he would go to a gas station that was really close to the woods. The girlfriend was nervous being out so late, especially since a girl had recently gone missing in the area, and begged her boyfriend to stay. He reassured her that she would be fine. To calm her down some more he locked the car and took the keys with him.

Five minutes went by. The girl was trying to put her mind at ease by humming quietly. She also imagined what had just gone down in the backseat, which definitely worked to comfort her.

Ten minutes went by. The girl grew impatient. She tried to reason that her boyfriend had always been a bit of a slow walker, though. The girl laughed nervously and continued to comfort herself.

Twenty minutes went by. The girl started getting worried, but decided her boyfriend probably got a little lost. Perhaps she should also count the minutes walking to and fro the gas station, not to mention getting the gas needed? Yeah, that must be what's taking so long.

An hour creeped up. The girl was very scared. She had no doubt something had happened to her boyfriend and was getting paranoid. If it weren't for the fact she was frozen in her spot, she would probably go out and look for her boyfriend.

Suddenly there was a knock on the car window. The girl jumped and looked at the driver's side door. She smiled when she saw what she thought was her boyfriend, and reached to unlock it.

However she remembered her boyfriend had the keys. She squinted and looked a little closer- and screamed.

To her horror she found that it was not her boyfriend, but a man holding up his decapitated head. She looked around frantically at the doors and remembered once again- the doors were locked.

The girlfriend breathed out slowly, hoping to calm down the tears that had started to spill.

Until she saw the evil smile of the killer outside, as he stood there jingling the keys in his hand.

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