Chapter Nineteen: "Bond"

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Hak pulled away, jumping away from Soo-Won and landing near Yoru. "I..." Soo-Won started. "... have killed the King." At those words, the guards surrounding them pointed their spear in a circular formation.

Yoru... something inside Yoru snapped. "You... you killed the King?"


"... that person who was like a father to me, that person who had saved me from despair, that person that saved me from death, that person who saved me from myself... you killed that person?" She could hardly believe what her ears were hearing.

"Yes, I had killed King Il."


"This... This isn't an illusion, is it?"

Soo-Won's sea-green eyes darted to the bandages wrapped her head. A surge of boiling fury coursed through his veins. He wondered what kind of fool dared to hurt his precious friend... Yoru. Disbelief was written all over his face.

Just how in the world could he believe that it was Yoru standing in front of him when the son of the head of the Fire Tribe confirmed their death? With hesitance glinting in his eyes, he found his hand shaking- trembling- as he reached out to touch her injured cheek.

She flinched away, the tip of his fingers touching her cold skin and as he caressed her cheek; he found himself unable to look away from her widened eyes. Heart pounding against his chest, it was as if his gaze was glued on her. "I heard," he started with a bite of his lower lip.

"You died on the cliffs of the northern mountains..." Soo-Won's eyes softened, and he found that there was no resentment in her eyes. He found it hard to believe that she did not detest him, but at the same time, there was relief. He wouldn't have known what he would have done if she hated him.

Seeing that familiar look in her eyes, there was no mistake. This was certainly her, and no, he was definitely not dreaming. Yoru was alive, he breathed in. "You really are... Yoru." Bigger, calloused hands grabbed smaller identical ones. The familiar warmth was welcoming.

The sense of familiarity relieved him, Soo-Won understood that this familiarity was a bit different. He longed for this warmth. For this touch. He had missed holding her hands. Seeing her. Talking with her. He waited to hear the sound of her voice.

He waited.

And waited.

But he couldn't really blame her as sea-green peered into her orange one's. They were dull and clouded, a mist of sadness clouding her eyes and he couldn't be for certain what else she was feeling right about now. However, her injuries haven't slipped his mind yet.

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