Special Chapter: "Yellow Orange"

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For a long while, I was bored. But when I sensed the presence of the Crimson Red Dragon, words couldn't even describe how overjoyed I was. I waited for a few years and visited each dragon warriors of this generation personally. I was heartbroken when I realized how the once sacred dragon warriors were no longer as sacred as before. The new Hakuryuu, Gu-en's descendant, was the only one treated sacredly.

It saddened me but I didn't let it linger for long. Once I visited and took care of them even for a short while, I thought I could go back traveling once more as I wait for the promised day. However, that wasn't the case. I was trekking the mountain to look for some scenery when I came across an orange haired girl fishing. Well, she was trying to fish, I think? "Little Missy, are you having trouble?"

She yelped, and fell on her behind as she scrambled away from me. Once my eyes and her orange ones made eye contact, a wave of nostalgia and overflowing happiness hit me. I didn't think that Lady Dairyuu will be reincarnated as well, and to think that she was in the generation where King Hiryuu's reincarnation was born as well; everything isn't just a coincidence, is it? I bounced towards her, a grin set on my lips as I crouched down.

"Do you need help, Little Missy?"

She didn't speak for a while and this gave me the time to observe her from head to toe. It pained me to see her clothes a bit ripped at the edges, patched with different colored cloths to probably seal up the holes and her hair dishevelled and short. I wanted to hug her but it would be weird for a stranger to do that, wouldn't it? She might mistake me for a pervert, too. "... Y-Yes, please."

I beamed, borrowing her makeshift fishing rod and sat down by the flowing river. I could feel her eyes on me, so I faced her with a curious expression. "What is it, Little Miss?" I gently asked her once I saw the cautious glance she was giving me. Such a young child and she was already this distrustful like Seiryuu and Ryokuryuu. "Why... are you helping me, mister?" I have her a genuine look of confusion.

"What do you mean? Isn't it natural to help those in need?"

"... I... I do not know. Is that how it really is?"

A frown was set on my lips as I gestured for her to take a seat beside me. She looked reluctnat at first, but gave in and sat down. "Do you know how to properly fish, Little Miss?" The red tint of embarrassment on her cheeks was enough to make me smile at her adorableness. I didn't let silence win and taught her how to properly catch a fish. She looked so funny earlier while she was trying to catch one.

At some point in my teaching, I blurted out a compliment I always tell Lady Dairyuu. "Zeno really loves Litty Missy's hair! It's really pretty!" Lady Dairyuu did always say that girls always like compliments from others. "Why were you fishing anyway, Little Missy?" I glanced at her from the corner of my eyes, and saw her looking at the water with such a crestfallen expression.

"We... do not have enough to get by so I decided to do something for Okaa-sama and Obaa-sama. I learned to hunt so Obaa-sama would not have to go to the village to buy us meat." I arched an eyebrow; I wonder what kind of living situation Little Missy lives in for her to hunt at her age. "And... um, Zeno? Who... is that?" I beamed and said, "Zeno's name is Zeno. Zeno loves how the Little Missy works hard for her family. Little Missy, what's your name?"

"... I... I don't really have one, mister."

The corners of my lips curved down. To not have a name to identify yourself is saddening. She looked like she was about to cry and I panicked. WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN A GIRL CRIES?! Even though I was forcing a smile, I was sweating buckets as I tried to think of a way to cheer her up. Not knowing what to do, I blurted out random things to keep her mind away from the previous subject and I tried to occupy her attention with something else.

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