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— bakago's getting to me...

it's set in the modern era, btw


How should this start...


"Hey, hey—" despite her efforts to wake him up from his nap (deep, deep slumber more rather), he didn't even budge or twitch for Hiryuu's sake. "— Hak, wake up!" The ten-year-old redhead kicked the ravenette off the bed, the comforter going down with him since Hak's limbs were tangled all over it. "Ow!" The twelve-year-old grumbled and muttered incoherent things under his breath.

"What the hell was that for?"

"I—" Yona gulped, bringing her hands close to her nonexistent chest. "— I think someone's downstairs." The boy groaned and glared at the redhead,annoyed that his nap got interrupted. "Of course there's people downstairs. Everyone's getting ready for the party later, remember?" But the redhead whined, clinging onto him when he made a move to get back to bed.

"But they went out earlier! To buy more stuff for dinner!"

"Just go to sleep, stupid."

"Haaaaaak!!!!" she practically shrieked in response as the boy went back to bed. Yona glared at him before pouting in response. "Fine!" She stomped her foot in frustration. "I'm going down there!"



"Just go already."

She faltered.


"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just shut up."


I have no idea where I'm going with this—


Yona gulped as she cautiously went downstairs, her footsteps light and silent. A clutter came from the kitchen which made her nervousness worse. You can do this, Yona! She internally encouraged herself. You're already ten years old! There's nothing to be arraid of! Maybe everyone just got back from shopping and I didn't notice... Yeah... Yeah! That's it! It's just—

Her thoughts came into a abrupt halt when she peeked inside the kitchen. Orange... She first noticed the orange tuft of hair that belongs to that person who was raiding the fridge. Her nervousness came back full force and it practically tripled because she didn't know anyone who had orange hair! Let alone someone wearing a Halloween costume! Kija was way too scared and made everyone swore they wouldn't wear any kind of costume!

The redhead yelped when the stranger stopped rummaging through the fridge and... took a glance her way. She fell on her behind when she tried to run away, far away from hat scary stranger who was slowly approaching herholyshizwherewashak—

Her eyes closed in response to her fear, waiting for whatever pain that was surely coming her way. However, nothing had hurt her and when she opened her eyes, a very... (cue a blushing ten-year-old Yona)... handsome stranger looking at her. "Well, what a cute thing we have here." Cue Yona's blush intensifying by the second.

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