Chapter 48

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"... Yoru?"


"What are you doing?"

It was supposed to be a normal day in Hiryuu Castle. Soo-Won would wake up (having had visited a few days ago and decided to stay for a month), do his daily routines, and go for a hunt to search for either Hak or Yoru and challenge them in... whatever he could think of for the day.

However, on his way to the archery grounds— where Soo-Won was sure his friends spend most of their time— he saw a certain dusk-haired girl hiding in the bushes in the courtyard.

The sight of her trying to hide— when her orange hair stood out in such greenery— made him laugh. Her eyes found itself staring at his seafoam green eyes. She lifted her hand and made the universal sign to be quiet. Soo-Won decided to humor her and mirrored her action. Just as he did so, a sword flew through the air, slicing the wind, and cutting off a few tiny branches from the enormous bush.

This led to Yoru being more visible if it were possible. The young lord watched his friend scurry out of her hiding place the exact moment Joo-Doh entered in his view. "You little—!" Soo-Won wondered what kind of mischief Yoru had gotten to. "Get back here!" He watched on with a curve of his lips, his amusement increasing further when he and Yoru made another eye contact.

Her lips curved up slightly, just like always, and she mouthed the word Hak at him before she made her escape. Soo-Won hid behind the sleeves of his robes and chuckled at her retreating form. Things weren't exactly peaceful in Hiryuu Castle with Yoru around. Then again, this kind of moments were ones he cherished amidst the chaos in his heart.

Extra (Take Two)


Hak yawned as he lazed about in the porch of his room, the tiny pond in the garden making rippling noises as the koi fishes moved around. The teen stretched his arms, bored out of his mind. Nothing interesting seemed to happen for the past few weeks and if boredom could kill, Hak would be dead a hundred times over.

A sigh left his slightly parted lips. "I wonder if Stupid Yoru's up for a spar." Because he still held a grudge against her for winning most of their spars and matches in certain training days. "Hak!" Said general groaned and buried his face in his arms. "Hak! You have to help me!" A swift whack to his head was enough to make him glance at the princess.

"What do you want?" he grumbled under his breath. Yona huffed and crossed her arms across her chest. "You have to help me pick a gift for Yoru!"

"Do it yourself, princess. I'm busy."

The redhead glared at him. "Lying around and doing nothing isn't busy." Hak simply rolled his eyes in response. "It's her twentieth birthday! Her gift has to be special!"

"That stupid Yoru already has everything she wants; what exactly can you give her?"

The princess pursed her lips at Hak's point. "I just... want to make her feel special... she's always busy and always training... she used to have fun with us not until two years ago—" Hak inwardly winced at the reminder, though, the princess remained unaware of what happened then. "— and she became a lot more withdrawn than she normally is."

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