Chapter Sixteen: "Unwanted"

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A/n: My writing style might be a little different after not writing for a long time... gomen. I'm really sorry for not updating for looooooong time! But I assure you... I definitely Rose from the dead... Joke.

Anyways, I really am sorry for the much delayed chappy. I hoped you like this.

Question#1: How do you like the story so far?

Question#2: What do you like about Yoru?

Question#3: Should I got and draw Yoru again? Well, a bit more detailed this time? (Even though I'm not the greatest artist out there.


She couldn't decide what to feel right about now. Should she feel fear for the well-being of the hime or should she be sadistically smiling as she watched her struggle? Yoru couldn't decide. Then again, she could just choose both. Ah, but her protectiveness would show and she would probably take away Yona's chance to prove herself if Yoru doesn't restrain herself.

"Right now, you're useless baggage but if you insist on fighting Kumji with us, you must demonstrate your resolve." Even with the obvious insult, Yoru found Yona's gaze unwavering. To the ginger-haired girl, that gaze demanded respect and recognition. "My resolve... I understand. What do I need to do?"

"Pick me some senjuso."

All of a sudden, Yoru's sadistic streak vanished in that instance. The word senjuso rang in her ears. She could vividly remember a book she had read where it described the place senjuso grew on. Worry filled her gaze. "Senjuso? Why would you need senjuso, Captain?" Yoru questioned in alarm. "With senjuso, my injured men will recover quickly. In our upcoming battle, we will have great need for it."

"The man I usually send to pick it is currently injured. If you'll do it in his place, I'll accept you." Gigan said the last bit to Yona. "Um." Yoon hesitantly spoke up. "What's senjuso?"

"It's a cure-all medicine that speeds up the recovery of illnesses and wounds." The self-proclaimed handsome genius looked starry-eyed upon learning the properties of the plant. Yoru bit her lip in contemplation. Should she really be considering letting the hime do this when there was a risk of death? "Fine." Gigan looked thoughtful for moment before stepping forward. "Oh, I forgot to mention... the senjuso grows in the middle of a sheer cliff. You'll go alone, without anyone's help."

Yoon and Kija jolted in shock when Gigan spoke those words. "That was already my intention."

"Yona, this is crazy!"

"Yoon, please, this is my job."

"Good attitude." The female captain suddenly complimented. "Jae-ha, show her the way."

"Hai, hai."

"Well, I'm off. I'll be back soon."

The gang watched Yona walk away. The situation left Yoon and Kija a jittering mess while Hak and Shin-ah calmly waited on the deck. Meanwhile, Yoru had already climbed up the mast and watched the ocean with worry-filled eyes. I am contradicting myself, she thought with a sweat drop. I want and do not want hime-sama to do this. The wind caressed her orange locks and with her arms crossed over her chest, she sighed.

Too many worrying scenarios were popping up inside her head and she couldn't calm down the worry bubbling up in her stomach. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't stop Yona. The latter was determined to prove that she was going to be useful in this battle and not just a useless baggage. "Hime-sama..." The orange-haired woman mutterd under her breath with a defeated sigh. "Is already growing up to be the woman who would change this nation just like King Hiryuu."

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