Chapter Twenty-Four: "Smile"

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[ Thousand of years ago ]

"Why? Why must you head down and mingle with the humans, sister?"

Long and delicate fingers brushed past his cheek, moving a few loose red strands behind his ear. "Humans believe in God, do they not? I believe it is time to go and see whether they truly are worthy of God's blessing in this time."

"No!" Roared one of their siblings. "You shall not descend down, sister. Looking into those humans' worthiness is not your responsibility neither is it ours. They are worthy if they are worthy, simple as that. I forbid you from descending."

"But brother—!"

"He is right." The eldest one stepped in, his eyes glistening with wisdom he had accumulated over the years of his existence. "Why must you be so persistent, sister? We shan't interfere with human activities nor should we present ourselves to those lesser beings." She stood her ground, her eyes shining with determination.

"Elder brother, something is compelling me to watch over these humans but not from Heaven. Not from our home. I feel that I must head down there and watch over them personally."

"Sister, you must understand that we are not to interfere with the humans unless they are in dire predicament where extinction is their end." Another one of her siblings intervened, though, with much less anger than her other brothers.

"Brother! Please!"

A pair of arms wrapped around her neck, ceasing all her movements. "We simply wish for your safety, elder sister. We... You know how it is during a night of a full moon."

"I am not a woman who needs brothers hovering around her as if she were a fragile glass!" Silence met them after her outburst. "This curse of mine is something I must take care of alone. I shall find a way to contain it, and bring no harm to the humans. Whether or not you approve, I will find a way to descend."

"Big sister?" All eyes turned to stare at their youngest sibling, his beautiful bloody red waves swaying with the wind. "Why are you so fascinated with humans?"

A breathtaking smile, a pair of shimmering orange stars bloomed on her face.

"... I do not know myself, little brother"

"But the full moon—"

"— is a curse that will hurt them."

She lowered her eyes, a crestfallen look crossing her features.

"... I..."


"... ru."

She groaned, swatting the hand that was poking her cheek away.

"... oru."

She faced away from the presence she unconsciously sensed right in front of her.


Jae-ha stared down at her, his features softening at the sight of her peaceful expression. It was a miracle (and something he was grateful of) how she was able to fall into a state of undisturbed slumber with no nightmares to ruin it. He brushed his thumb just below her right eye, softly tracing the dark circles that was caused by her nightmares.

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