Chapter 38

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Author's Note:

Question #1: Who noticed Ryun's and Yoon's scene last chapter? *wiggles eyebrows*

Question #2: Do you guys like Daiki and Ryun?

(Oh, and fun fact about the previous chapter: I was listening to raps the entire time I wrote it.)

Aside from that, enjoy!


"Yoru... you'll get sick if you stay under the rain."

Soo-Won draped his dry cloak around her shoulders once she shrugged off her wet one, shuddering when a breeze brushed pass them. "Ah— thank you." He did not deny how awkward it was talking to her. She avoided his gaze whenever he tried to look at her.

From what he had remembered, he thought that Yoru would attack him the moment they see each other. However, in this case, it seemed she searched for him on her own free will. His parasol covered her from the rain, his shoulder getting a bit wet in the process.

They walked side by side in the streets of Sensui, a shiver running down his spine due to the cold. Endure it, he thought. He wouldn't allow Yoru to fall ill if he can do something about it.

The both of them were deep in thought, eyebrows furrowed while drowning in their own thoughts. For some odd reason, the hatred that brewed deep inside Yoru vanished the moment Soo-Won hugged her earlier. It was warm... Her eyes watered without her knowing why it did.

"Yoru, should you not be with your companions?" To Hak and Yona? He wanted to ask but didn't push her any further. His hand found its way to hers, who flinched but did not pull back when he held her. I miss you, the gesture conveyed. He missed her laughter. He missed hanging with her.

His sea-green eyes caught hers and the urge to embrace her in his arms once more overwhelmed him. "It's... fine. I sought you to ask a favor." He bit back his tongue, an image of this so-called Dairyuu he has been dreaming about overlapped with Yoru. "The Water Tribe... they need help. If they continue doing nothing about this issue, this tribe will plummet to the deepest part of the sea."

Her furrowed eyebrows did not go unnoticed. "Lord— no, Soo-Won, I ask you to help General Joon-Gi with this. Kouka will not fall." Her gaze hardened in determination, something that made him fall in love with her all over again. Her love for this kingdom stemmed from when the previous... King had saved her.

"..." His lips parted but no words came out. Her hand tensed in his hold due to his silence. What could he say? What should he say? She was asking not as a warrior of this kingdom but as a citizen. When he glanced at her rigid form, he knew what his answer was.

A shriek interrupted him before he could answer her. A girl around his cousin's age was being forced by one of the many drug addicts in this place. His eyes lost their warmth, no longer shimmering in a love-struck way. "Yoru." One word and a blur of orange rushed passed him. His parasol almost escaped his grip from how fast Yoru left his side to save that girl.

He approached them with a calm demeanor, his face set into an expression of coolness. Even when he sensed someone trying to reach him from behind, he remained collected as a breeze passed by him, the fluttering of wet clothes so pronounced right behind him. Soo-Won stopped in front of the girl, crouching down with a smile.

"Are you al—"

No one noticed how his eye twitched when the girl ignored him and run past him. What annoyed him further was the fact the girl called for Yoru. "Lord Yoru!" Despite the urge to let his frustration get the best of him, the word Lord sent him into a silent fit of laughter. Lord— pfft, good one.

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