Chapter Twenty-Two: "Full Moon"

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Author's Note

Welcome back!

Question#1: On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate Jae-ha and Yoru's interaction? 

Question#2: If you were Jae-ha, how would you flirt with Yoru [I'm actually looking for references. Personally, I dun have a clue how to flirt so it's a miracle how I can write Jae-ha's character at this point.]

Request#1: This may be a bit random but can I ask you guys to give me random scenarios that you would like Yoru to be in?

That's all! Thank you!

Hope you like this chappie!


"Where is the village chief?"

Sleep was just around the corner when unfamiliar presences made themselves known. The presences snapped the woman out of her daze, startling Jae-ha in the process as she left the comfort of his arms— which she would never admit. Officers from the Fire Tribe demanded the chief to pay the taxes due today but as it seemed, it was impossible.

The taxes were unreasonably high and robbed them of what little they had left from the village. Yoon and the others were forced to hide at this point. Watching the chief being unfairly treated, Kija and Yona could barely hold themselves back from committing violence.

"Hmm?" It was then the leading officer noticed the cart filled with food near them. "You have this much food but you can't even pay the taxes?" No one liked the tone of his voice nor the expression on his face. "Tch. This should be enough payment." A child ran up to the leading officer. "No! Brother Yoon gave those to us! You can't take it!" A soldier stepped up, his fist raised to hit the child.

However, something pierced his hand before he could even bring his fist down to hurt the girl. "Wha— What was that?!"

Yoon caught sight of Jae-ha and Yoru out in the open, where Yoru's hair was covered with Jae-ha's clothes; leaving Ryokuryuu down to his pants. "I told you hiding was of no use! These men would recognize me even without my hair!" Jae-ha chuckled at her scolding tone, pressing his bare chest on her back while swinging an arm around her shoulder.

(Hak's eye twitched at the sight.)

"My lady~ aren't you impressed that I selflessly sacrificed my clothes just for you even though others might see my beautiful body?" An elbow digging here and a heel digging there, Jae-ha knelt on the ground in a blink of an eye. The male population in the area winced, sympathetic towards Jae-ha's... predicament. "Save your awful flirting for another time. It does not even give you the results you desire."

The corner of Ryokuryuu's lips twitched at her words. "You... You two! What are you doing?!" From out of the bushes, Yoon sent the duo a reprimanding glare that demanded answers from them. Yoru remained blank-faced whereas Jae-ha wore his clothes while smiling at Yoon. "I just can't help it, Yoon.  No matter where I go, a pirate like myself would always clash with the kingdom's soldiers."

"Besides," he said with a threatening tone, making the soldiers take a step back in wary. "They disturbed my lady's sleep. That, alone, can't be left unpunished." The glint in his eyes just made his friends sweatdrop while the soldiers glanced at each other with fearful expressions. "That's— That's..! Who's she?" A soldier pointed to Yoru, confusion written all over his face.

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