Chapter Thirty-Four

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"... Aha ha ha, no need to give us that look, Zeno-sama."

"Brother, I think we're going to die today."

In front of Zeno were two teens almost the same age as Shin-ah. They were kneeling on the dirt ground while Zeno stared down at them with a stern gaze. On the sidelines, the rest of the crew (currently Jae-ha, Yoon, and Yona) watched their resident Ouryuu finally act like an adult.

"What's up with him?" Yoon asked but no one really answered. Not that they knew the answer to his question anyway. "And who the heck are those two? Don't tell me we're bringing them with us. I have my hands full with you stupid beasts already."

Yoon sent Jae-ha a pointed look, silently conveying that he was one of the most troublesome of the bunch. Yoru came in first. The strawberry-blond haired boy had to take a double take. It was weird how... how he had forgotten about her.

She has such an impression imprinted on him that it was almost impossible for him to actually forget her. Then again, from what Jae-ha and Zeno told them, there was intervention from a very powerful being. They didn't really elaborate any further than that.

Not knowing annoyed him but was content to know that he didn't actually forget that Stupid Strategist. His eyes lingered on Yona, though. She had been so quiet that he almost forgot that she was beside him.

Her eyes weren't on Zeno and those guys, though. They were set on the tent where the Thunder Beast, Kija, Shin-ah, and Yoru were resting. All of them were out of it and from what he heard, Yoru might be in the worst condition.

The three guys only received superficial wounds and had been knocked out due to pain. Yoru, on the other hand, suffered having another soul possessing her body.

Yoon might not believe in the concept of souls but with everything he went through so far, he was willing to believe it and assess her situation on a more spiritual level.

"I don't think Zeno will leave them be, though." The genius pretty boy groaned in exasperation. He was not looking forward to having two more beasts joining their already weird group.

Although, something about those two did bother him. "I might be wrong but don't you think it's strange how those two seem to cover themselves with orange?" True to Yoon's words, they did have orange on them.

The one with orange hair wore a dark-orange sash embroided with a dragon. The other one with orange eyes has a necklace with an orange dragon charm, same goes with his bracelet. Additionaly, both have dirty orange undershirts.

Yoon might be looking a little too deep into this but... "Oi, Zeno, who are those two, exactly?" The blond flinched at Yoon's tone. Zeno could practically feel the fifteen-year-old's glare boring holes on the back of his head.

"Oh, uh, they are Zeno's acquaintances!"

"Oi! That's not fair, Zeno-sama!"

The blond discreetly threw Daiki a glare, thanking the Heavens that Yoon didn't see his sudden change of personality.

Meanwhile, said boy narrowed his eyes. "Yeah, right, acquaintances." The blond flinched at the tone of his voice. He already knew whether his beasts are lying or not. Yoon was certain that Zeno was lying.

Ouryuu tried to come up with another excuse but just being the subject of Yoon's glare was enough to render him into a bumbling mess.

"Excuse me?" They stopped. Ryun had spoken up. His innocent demeanor was enough to calm everyone down, especially Zeno's nerves. "May I speak?" Yoon sputtered out incoherent words, flustered.

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