Chapter 3

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"We mean no harm!" Kieran exclaims from beside me

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"We mean no harm!" Kieran exclaims from beside me. I can't help but gulp slightly as the girl scoffs.

"Everyone means harm."

"I guess the South isn't the best place to come for help," I hear Anna mutter under her breath as we continue to stare at the couple. Our arms are raised in surrender as the warpaint covered guy points a gun at us, the girl wielding some sort of spear. What?

"Not us!" Heidi replies. "We're looking for help."

"Help?" The girl wrinkles her face up in clear confusion. Fantastic. Clearly people don't ask the South for help.

They're both tall people, dark eyes, dressed from head to toe in camouflage. They have large bags on their backs, their weapons in hand. They clearly know what they're doing, full on survival mode, whereas us? We walked straight into the South without a clue, all of us dressed in thick jumpers to protect us from the December chill, my heeled boots on my feet, light blonde hair trailing around my face. I hardly blend in.

"We came from the North," Kieran announces and I see the girl suck in a breath before looking up at her partner in disbelief.

"You got the door open?" the guy exclaims, his voice deeper than I imagined it would be. He gestures towards the wall.

"It can only be opened from the other side," Kieran explains.

"So you got yourself stuck here?" The girl smirks. "Good job."

"The North is falling apart, the people who run it are tyrants. We thought the South was our best option to find help. London-"

"London?" the girl exclaims, cutting Kieran off before a peal of laughter falls from her lips. "London fell during the war."

"We know that," Anna pipes up. "But surely you have someone who leads you? Sets the rules?"

"No," the girl replies with a shrug, slowly lowering her weapon. "As far as we know, there isn't anyone."

"Not at all?" Kieran breathes out and I glance over to see his expression fall as I let my mouth drop open. There's no-one here who can help us. Our journey was in vain, Zac and Riley's deaths were in vain. We messed the fuck up.

This entire mission was a waste of time. Kayla, Lyla and the rest of them are waiting back home for us to return with a miracle cure for the State, but we are going to fail. Hell, we don't even have a way to get back into the wall and return north.

I wanted Zac to be able to see his home once more, I wanted us to bring an end to the misery in the North. I wanted peace to finally find its way to us, but instead we're fucking screwed.

"We haven't been to London," the girl admits, gesturing for her partner to lower his gun, "but up here it's a free for all."

"You mean to say we wasted countless lives and effort to get here... all for nothing?" Anna snaps and the girl shrugs.

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