Chapter 11

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Zac doesn't let go of Sam's neck until they're outside the front door

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Zac doesn't let go of Sam's neck until they're outside the front door. He shoves him away with all his strength and Sam flies onto the floor, skidding along the rough ground. The snow from the night before has pretty much completely melted, leaving no barrier to lessen the blow.

Zac's entire body is tense, his jaw locked and his eyes full of fire. He looks more like the man that I knew during the first few months of our marriage, and not the one I've come to love. Then again...What can I expect?

I don't blame him. Sam just admitted that he's the reason Zac and Kayla went to Killmoor. He's why they suffered relentless torture, the reason Zac still has nightmares. He's responsible for the scars that decorate Zac's torso and the absolute agony that I felt during that time.

I've never felt more helpless than the time Zac and Kayla were sent away, and here I am finding out that it's my own best friend who did it. The guy who I've known since I was five years old and our mothers shoved us together to play so that they could spend time drinking their afternoons away.

Not to mention the consequences that have rained down on the rest of us following Kayla and Zac's stint in prison; my drinking, falling into the river and nearly drowning, Jace's death...Such a dangerous road for us to go down.

Arguably, it's what started it all.

Although I know we probably would have revolted eventually anyway, hardly imagining Zac would have given in to a life of marital bliss under the State. But who's to say Claudia wouldn't have survived? Or Rayden? Even Riley? Everything could have been different.

But instead, we're here.

Sam reported my husband. Sam is the one who took it into his own hands to snitch on Kayla and Zac, despite the fact that I had only recently been fucking Rayden in the corner of a factory. A dalliance which Sam definitely knew about.

I don't react when Zac slams his fist into Sam's face or when he boots his leg into Sam's stomach.

I don't hear Heidi as she yells at me, spitting hurtful words about how I betrayed her.

I choose to ignore the smirking Anna as she advises Kieran not to break up the fight. For once, I agree with her.

Sam doesn't attempt to fight back, taking every hit. Zac is absolutely relentless with his blows, barely even taking time to breathe between each one. He's clearly reliving all of his worst nightmares, ever since the moment Sam let slip those deadly words.

"I reported Zac and Kayla."


How could he? Sure...I wasn't best pleased with my pairing, but did I ever seem that unhappy? So unhappy that he'd jeopardise someone's life? It could have come back to bite all of us on the ass, we didn't even know whether they were going to chuck me in the Cell too. After all, the State viewed married couples as equally responsible for one another.

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