Chapter 33

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Emilia has been asleep for over an hour, but I've left it so long because I can't be sure that she's actually dead to the world

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Emilia has been asleep for over an hour, but I've left it so long because I can't be sure that she's actually dead to the world. I've been watching how fucking perfect she looks, completely at ease with the world. It's a rare sight.

She thinks that we'll discuss this in the morning, that I'll let her talk me out of going through with my plan. But I can't let her. This is all we've got.

Leaving her here is the safest thing to do, Jordan knows he's got to do what he can to keep her safe, just like always. And of course he agreed. So did Bridget.

Anyway... I'll be back. It's hardly like I'm going to let Gia kill me without murdering her first. I'd like to see her fucking try.

I carefully move a strand of hair away from Emilia's face before wiggling my hand our from under her. I'm lucky that she's such a heavy sleeper, barely anything ever waking her from her slumber. I remember back in Nottingham when I would wake up in the mornings and have to wait for hours for the damn woman to arise from her bloody bed.

Before we saw eye to eye, I would crash around in the kitchen out of spite, all of the pots and pans clanging together.  But it never paid off. The girl would eventually emerge two hours later, looking just as well rested as any other day.

I inch away from Emilia, slowly turning around and lifting myself from the ground. With great difficulty, I inch away from her, leaving my bag behind, knowing that I won't need it. I grab only my small gun, tucking it into my waistband.

Turning for one final time, I look back at the gorgeous blonde under the blanket. My soppy self can't help but smile at the sight before I walk into the trees, heading directly North to make my way to the fortified mansion.

I know Emilia is right, I'm not an idiot. It's dangerous and I'm utterly foolish for doing this. But right now, I can't think of a better plan, and we're definitely running out of time. There's only so many Slayers we can kill before one of them kills us.

A twig snapping behind me has me on edge but I continue to walk for five more seconds, eyes darting from side to side as I try to figure out who, or what, is behind me.

Coming up short, I instead whirl around, hauling my gun out and bracing it in front of me.

Poppy freezes in place, raising her hands in surrender as her eyes widen. "Don't shoot! It's me," she exclaims. I curse under my breath.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I snap as I lower the weapon and shove it back into my waistband.

"I'm coming with you," she replies blatantly. I nearly laugh in her face.

"No, you're not."

"I am," she retorts and I grimace. Fucking hell. Not only do I have to deal with Emilia, but now Poppy is intent on giving me a hard time? Bloody perfect.

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